Ramanas Park is a new location in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl where trainers can encounter and catch some of the rarest Legendary and Mythical Pokemon in the franchise.
This feature is a deviation from the original Generation IV games. It adds a different element to playing through the Sinnoh region, allowing trainers to catch Pokemon they weren't able to before.
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Of course, you can't just make your way to Ramanas Park at any time. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl require trainers to enter the Hall of Fame and complete a series of tasks to access the location.
The steps to unlocking Ramanas Park in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Simply beating the main story of the game isn't enough to unlock Ramanas Park in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. However, this is the first step in the mission to find the area.
That means you will have to beat Cynthia with your Pokemon team and become the Sinnoh Champion. That is a tough accomplishment in its own right in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
From there, you need to have completed the Sinnoh Dex. Not every creature needs to be caught, but you will need to have at least seen all 151 Pokemon found in the region.
After the Sinnoh Dex is filled, head to Sandgem Town and talk to Professor Rowan. The Professor will be amazed at your Sinnoh Dex completion and grant you the National Dex.
You will then receive a message that invites you to travel to Ramanas Park in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Go to the south beach of Sandgem Town and use Surf.
Surf west to pass Route 220 and 221 until you make landfall. Once you've found land, there is a building just ahead that grants you access to Ramanas Park and its Legendary Pokemon.
Head inside the building for the introduction and then you will be able to travel throughout the park. Here, you will find the Legendary and Mythical creatures that are waiting to be added to your collection.
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