Pokemon GO's Battle League has captured the attention of many Pokemon fans since it was introduced at the Pokemon World Championships. It shows that Game Freak considers GO not only as a profitable mobile game but also as an important part of the franchise.
With so much attention on the title's Battle League, there are going to be a lot of players interested in making their grand debut on the game's ranked ladder. However, as these players will soon realize, the mobile game's take on the reknown battle system of the Pokemon franchise is extremely different from that of the main series.
One of the biggest differences between both sets of titles is the changes to a Pokemon's moveset. The main series features every creature with a maximum of four different moves, while the critters in Pokemon GO have two attacks by default (a third can be unlocked with a bit of grinding). Here's how you can unlock a creature's second Charged Move in the mobile game.
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Unlocking your Pokemon's full potential: A guide to Pokemon GO's moveset

The first thing you should know when analyzing a Pokemon's moveset in Pokemon GO is the synergy between both types of attacks. In order to use any Charged Attack, you will first need to generate energy through the use of Fast Attacks. There are three main types of Fast Attacks: energy generators, damage dealers, and ones that balance the two.
When it comes to tanky Pokemon, a lot of players prefer to take the Fast Attack that generates the most energy. This is because tanky Pokemon will be in battles longer, thus giving them a greater chance of firing off repeated Charged Attacks in hopes of baiting out a shield or two from their opponent.
Every Pokemon you encounter is also guaranteed to have at least one Charged Attack. While you are free to switch out these attacks with TMs as often as you like, there is also an option to unlock a secondary Charged Attack. Those who use both of these slots often have one Charged Attack for dealing damage and one for pressuring opponents through spam.
To unlock this attack in Pokemon GO, you will first have to go to the summary page of the Pokemon of your choice. Once you have selected the creatures, you will have to scroll down to the moveset, which is displayed at the bottom of the page. The first Charged Attack should be displayed right above a button which is labeled as "New Attack".
The cost of the secondary Charged Attack differs between Pokemon, so you will need to keep an eye on the creature you wish to power up. The most challenging resource required to unlock the second attack is candies, which can be quite a grind. To earn candies for a specific species of Pokemon, the best way is to set that creature as your Buddy Pokemon. By doing so, you can earn candies for that type of Pokemon as you walk.
🚨 Calculate the Pokemon type effectiveness to win battles with our newly launched Pokemon GO Type Calculator 🚨