Pokemon Horizons: The Series began in Japan on April 16, 2023, and has since aired 57 episodes across three separate arcs. It follows the adventures of a new set of protagonists instead of Ash Ketchum with their own drives and desires as they set out into the world's many regions and become trainers. But is this show worth a watch? For most fans, the answer is certainly yes.
One of the most intriguing appeals of Pokemon Horizons is that it isn't tied to prior characters from Ash's decades-long adventures, allowing both new Pokemon fans and longtime vets to appreciate what it brings to the table. Moreover, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fans will still see plenty of familiar faces, and characters from previous games make an appearance on occasion as well.
All in all, while many fans desire Ash's return, the adventures of Liko, Roy, Dot, and the Rising Volt Tacklers are a story worth sitting back and enjoying.
NOTE: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.
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Why Pokemon Horizons is worth a watch
It's understandable for many fans to have hope that Ash Ketchum's adventures would continue indefinitely, but The Pokemon Company has never said a return is out of the question. Until then, there's a lot to appreciate about Pokemon Horizons, particularly its broad cast of characters both heroic and villainous. From the Rising Volt Tacklers to the Explorers, there's a character for just about anybody.
If fans don't necessarily care for the trio of Liko, Roy, and Dot, there's always Friede and Captain Pikachu making discoveries and battling the Explorers through thick and thin. There's Amethio, the scion of the leader of the Explorers on a quest to live up to his station. There's Lucius, the mysterious adventurer who is connected to Terapagos and a hidden paradise known as Laqua.
There are moments of victory, defeat, and plenty of laughs. Bright and optimistic moments give way to immensely serious or even somewhat dark ones. Battles between ordinary and legendary Pokemon alike are magnificently animated, and countless episodes feel as though they have story weight to them with very little filler involved from week to week.
Pokemon Horizons won't be every fan's cup of tea, especially those who much prefer Ash Ketchum as their protagonist. However, the colorful cast of characters, mix of different narrative tones for episodes, and tons of action to keep fans engaged are more than enough to warrant Horizons to at least be tried out. There isn't much to lose by at least giving the series a test watch.
There are plenty of Pokemon Horizons episodes to be enjoyed ahead, as the story of Liko, Roy, Dot, and the rest is very far from over. More narrative arcs are ahead, more mysteries exist to be solved, and the Horizons series is pushing full steam ahead into Raqua and beyond.
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