Pokemon GO players can now encounter Druddigon after years of its disappearance. It has arrived in the Raid Battles, and those who know few details about the event gain a competitive edge. Trainers can encounter it in the 3-star raids along with Regidrago, a 5-star Raid Boss. Since the event will conclude on Friday, August 4, 2023, at 10 AM local time, grabbing this opportunity is beneficial.
Yes, Druddigon's Original and Shiny variants are available in Pokemon GO. Although defeating this monster is challenging, players can learn a few tips and tricks from this article. Here is how trainers can encounter Shiny Druddigon in Pokemon GO.
How to catch Shiny Druddigon in Pokemon GO?

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
To encounter Shiny Druddigon, players must first defeat the Original variant by participating in the ongoing raids. The Combat Power (CP) of the Raid Boss will differ if the raid zone has Windy Weather conditions. If not, it will have a max CP of 1481 to 1561. Learning about its weaknesses, resistance, and counters is handy as it helps players encounter Shiny Druddigon.
Here is the table to show Druddigon's weaknesses and resistances:
How to counter Druddigon in Pokemon GO?

Druddigon is a solo Dragon-type Pokemon with a max CP of 3088, 213 Attack, 170 Defense, and 180 Stamina. Exploiting its weaknesses is one way to go, and the other is to build up a strong battle team. The more powerful the player's battle party is, the more advantage they gain over the boss. Trainers can only achieve this if they are willing to prepare before the clash.
We can exploit its Dragon-type weaknesses, overwhelm its max CP, counter-attack the attack, break the defense, and observe if Druddigon can withstand countering moves. That said, here are some counters for it in Pokemon GO.
1) Mega counters: Pokemon that can mega evolve, and their counter moves:
- Mega Salamence: Dragon Tail and Dracometer
- Mega Gardevoir: Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Mega Latias: Dragon Meter and Outrage
- Mega X Charizard: Dragon Breathe and Dragon Claw
- Mega Glalie: Ice Shard and Avalanche
- Mega Alakazam: Psycho Cut and Dazzling Gleam
- Mega Sceptile: Fury Cutter and Dragon Claw
- Mega Altaria: Dragon Breath and Dazzling Gleam
- Mega Gengar: Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
2) Non-Shadow counters: Pokemon that are Original variants with counterattacks:
- Primal Ground: Dragon Tail and Precipice Blades
- Rayquaza: Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Salamence: Dragon Tail and Outage
- Palkia: Dragon Tail and Draco Meter
- Dialga: Dragon Breathe and Draco Meter
- Kyurem: Dragon Breath and Glactice
- Garchomp: Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Dragonite: Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Zekrom: Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Reshiram: Dragon Tail and Outrage
3) Shadow counters: Pokemon that are Shadow variants with counter-attacks:
- Shadow Dragonite: Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Shadow Garchomp: Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Shadow Salamence: Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Shadow Latios: Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
- Shadow Mamoswine: Powder and Avalanche
- Shadow Weavile: Ice Shard and Avalanche
- Shadow Gardevoir: Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Latias: Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Shadow Mewtwo: Psycho Cut and Psystrike
Druddigon has returned to Raid Battles after its long absence. Until August 4, 2023, Pokemon GO trainers can encounter this elusive Pokemon, including its Shiny variant. To increase Shiny odds, exploit Raid Boss' weaknesses and build a powerful battle party.
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