Pokemon Legends Z-A's release date may be a while away, but the return of Mega Evolutions to the game has players excited for what new superpowered forms certain Pocket Monsters may obtain. While every player has their preferences, perhaps it's time for a few more 'mons from the Johto region of Generation II to get some Mega Evolution love from Game Freak.
While not every Johto Pokemon is popular or viable in battles, the addition of Mega Evolutions for some creatures might change that in a substantial way. With that being said, it doesn't hurt to take a look at a few Pocket Monsters from Johto that should be in the running to receive a Mega Evolution in Pokemon Legends Z-A.
Ten Pokemon that should receive Mega Evolutions in Pokemon Legends Z-A
1) Donphan

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Despite the fact that Donphan received two Paradox counterparts in Scarlet and Violet via the addition of Great Tusk and Iron Treads, the Ground-type creature shouldn't be discounted from receiving a Mega Evolution in Pokemon Legends Z-A. The Armor Pokemon remains one of Johto's more popular picks, and Mega Evolving it would likely make it an incredible Ground-type creature.
Since it's known to curl up and crush its foes at high speeds, perhaps Mega Donphan could be even more deeply focused on this, making its curled body into a devastating engine of destruction.
2) Kingdra

When Kingdra debuted in Generation II, its Water/Dragon elemental type combination proved to be quite a hit. While other Pokemon have taken on that type combo in the last several years, Kingdra shouldn't be overlooked for a Mega Evolution in Pokemon Legends Z-A. Its already formidable firepower and solid type combination could be even further bolstered with a Mega Kingdra form.
Kingdra could even become more draconic in its appearance after Mega Evolving, temporarily departing some of its seahorse-like features for a more intimidating look.
3) Azumarill

Azumarill really came into its own when the Fairy-type element arrived in Pokemon X and Y, and this evolution of Marill has proven to be a bulky and physically gifted battler ever since. If Game Freak wanted to improve Azumarill's potential even more, then providing a Mega Azumarill in Pokemon Legends Z-A would certainly do the trick.
Thanks to its access to the ability Huge Power, a Mega Azumarill could become an immensely powerful physical attacker. Plus, Game Freak could still ensure that Azumarill's Mega Evolution has some of its adorable appearance, as one of Azumarill's upsides is that it looks cute but is far from a pushover.
4) The Johto Starters

The starter Pokemon from Generation I and Generation III have a full collection of Mega Evolutions, but the Generation II starters from Johto have none so far. Typhlosion did receive a Hisuian variant in Pokemon Legends Arceus, but Feraligatr and Meganium have languished in relative obscurity. Pokemon Legends Z-A could change that and give a prominent role to all three Johto starters.
It wouldn't be quite fair to omit any of the three starters since these trios typically receive their Mega Evolutions together, and Game Freak could certainly come up with some interesting designs for Typhlosion, Feraligatr, and Meganium based on their real-world inspirations.
5) Skarmory

There's a lot to love about Skarmory in Generation II. It has a compelling metal bird-like design, an interesting Steel/Flying type combination, and a great base Defense stat. Game Freak could take its abilities as a defender to the extreme by introducing a Mega Evolution for the Pokemon, and Mega Skarmory has the potential to look pretty intimidating if done well.
Given that it has "armory" as part of its name, Game Freak could turn Mega Skarmory into a flying fortress of heavy metal durability.
6) Magcargo

Magcargo may not be fast by any stretch of the imagination, but this Johto region Fire/Rock-type has plenty of durability to spare. Since this is the case, why not ratchet Magcargo's defensive capabilities up significantly by giving Magcargo a Mega Evolution in Pokemon Legends Z-A? Trainers can always use more tank-like species to shrug off hits, and Mega Magcargo could fit the bill perfectly.
Plus, Magcargo's molten rock aesthetic presents many different design angles for Game Freak to work with, and its design could potentially be a hit depending on which direction the studio's artists take this Pokemon's Mega Evolution.
7) Lanturn

Lanturn is one of the very few Water/Electric-type Pokemon as of Generation IX, and this gives it an interesting edge in battle that many of its counterparts can't claim. While it still has its weaknesses, its type combo is part of the reason it's such a capable fighter, and giving Lanturn a Mega Evolution in Pokemon Legends Z-A would be a fitting addition to make it even more of a presence.
Due to its appearance being based on an anglerfish, perhaps Game Freak could go a more sinister-looking route for Lanturn's Mega Evolution. If not, a cute but dangerous iteration for Mega Lanturn may also be a hit with fans.
8) Crobat

Zubat and Golbat may not be much to get excited about, but there's plenty to appreciate about Crobat. It has an intriguing design that mixes notions of a bat and a skull and crossbones, has an interesting Poison/Flying type combination, and can hold its own in battle thanks to its solid base Speed stats. Its rapid movement and poisonous capabilities could be even further magnified with a Mega Evolution.
Pokemon Legends Z-A may overlook Crobat due to its relative lack of popularity, but a Mega Crobat could have a very interesting design that incorporates more wings, a more aerodynamic body, and more.
9) Lugia and Ho-Oh

Much like Johto's starters, Johto's mascot legendary Pokemon Lugia and Ho-Oh were passed over for Mega Evolutions even though legendaries in Generation I (Mewtwo) and Generation III (Rayquaza) both received them. If Game Freak wants to amend this fact, then adding Mega Lugia and Ho-Oh would likely be a huge hit with fans.
While Game Freak would have to walk a delicate line to ensure they don't break away from the spirit and appreciation of these two legendaries, there's still room to grow their backstories with impressive Mega Evolutions.
10) Miltank

Miltank may not be a fan-favorite Johto Pokemon, but it does have a reputation for being a tough opponent to take down. Many trainers still have fond memories of battling gym leader Whitney's Miltank. Thanks to its hefty HP total and Normal typing, Miltank could give most opponents a run for their money as long as they aren't Fighting-types.
To make things interesting, perhaps Game Freak can introduce a Mega Miltank with a new elemental type to pair with its Normal type. Things worked out fine for Lopunny after all, so maybe Miltank could be the next Normal-type to take the plunge into Mega Evolution.