Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's VGC Regulation G ruleset has opened the meta floodgates by allowing some previously restricted Legendary Pokemon to compete on trainer teams, including Koraidon and Miraidon. However, which of the two is better for VGC at the moment? The comparison is incredibly close, but Koraidon has a slight meta advantage.
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet battles, Koraidon and Miraidon are effectively inverses of each other. Koraidon is physically imposing, while Miraidon is more special attack-oriented. However, Regulation G's meta gives Koraidon the edge thanks to its ability Orichalcum Pulse.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer
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Why Koraidon is superior to Miraidon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's current VGC

There are no two ways about it, Koraidon and Miraidon are both very good restricted Legendary picks in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's current VGC. Trainers would benefit from having either on their team. However, based on the current state of the metagame, Koraidon has an edge over its Electric/Dragon-type counterpart due to how certain Pokemon have been favored.
Specifically, Past Paradox Pokemon have remained more viable and used more often compared to their future counterparts. Species like Flutter Mane and Gouging Fire benefit greatly from Harsh Sunlight, which Koraidon can set with Orichalcum Pulse, boosting the highest stats of some of the most-used Pokemon in the current Regulation G format.
Miraidon can do the same thing for Past Paradox Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet VGC, thanks to its Hadron Engine ability that sets electric terrain and activates Past Paradox Pokemon's Quark Drive abilities. However, there's an issue with keeping electric terrain active.
The prevalence of Pokemon like Rillaboom, which can wipe away electric terrain in favor of grassy terrain, is a sizable flaw for Miraidon.
Moreover, other high-ranking meta picks like Groudon, Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon, and Chi-Yu all benefit from harsh sunlight. Sure, Groudon's Drought ability can create harsh sunlight, but Koraidon's Orichalcum Pulse does so while also boosting its already formidable Attack stat. On top of it all, Koraidon's Dragon/Fighting-type combo is potent, and it is an indomitable physical attacker.

Koraidon can shatter the defenses of known walling creatures in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's VGC. Access to moves like Collision Course allows Koraidon to not only deal great Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) damage but also deal 33% extra damage with a super effective attack, just like Miraidon's Electro Drift. However, as a Fighting-type move, Collision Course counters more high-tier picks.
Opponents including Bloodmoon Ursaluna, Archaludon, Porygon2, Chien-Pao, Iron Bundle, Meowscarada, Zamazenta, and Incineroar are susceptible to Koraidon's Fighting-type attacks like Collision Course, Close Combat, and Low Kick.
If Koraidon Terastallizes into a Fire-type critter, Orichalcum Pulse's harsh sunlight can remain active, and the Pocket Monster loses its weakness to Fairy-type moves.
As a Fire Tera Type, Koraidon can use moves like Flare Blitz to counter even more opponents in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's VGC for Regulation G, including Zacian, Ice Rider Calyrex, Gholdengo, Rillaboom, and Scizor, all while keeping harsh sunlight active. Even against poor matchups like Kyogre, Koraidon's Orichalcum Pulse can remove Kyogre's rainfall if it is swapped in at the right time.
All in all, Koraidon and Miraidon are both great picks in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's VGC at the moment. However, with the prevalence of Past Paradox Pokemon in the meta and the fact that Koraidon can effectively counter many high-tier picks just a bit better, it gets an edge over its counterpart.
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