Hours ago, a post on the r/TheSilphRoad subreddit highlighted one of the most highly-anticipated additions to Pokemon GO in a long time. The stats and evolution mechanics for the beloved Mega Evolution of Rayquaza has finally been leaked via the reputable PokeMiners' Twitter account. Given the account's positive track record, these could be the final stats implemented into the mobile game.
With some valuable details released regarding Mega Rayquaza, many players would want to review everything known about this creature thus far. Since GO Fest is just around the corner, having knowledge of this desired pocket monster could also help players in the future when encountering a Rayquaza Raid.
Everything known about Mega Rayquaza in Pokemon GO
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
From the post shared to the Silph Road subreddit, it is safe to assume that Mega Rayquaza will possess a base stamina stat of 227, attack of 277, and a defense of 210. This will make Rayquaza relatively bulky while maximizing its damage output.
Mega Rayquaza will also require 400 Mega Energy to Mega Evolve the first time. Each subsequent Mega Evolution will only cost 80 Mega Energy. Players can also earn Mega Energy from walking by 100 per candy reward.
The inclusion of Mega Rayquaza's signature move from the main series would imply that this Pokemon can only be attained by variants possessing the attack, much like the requirement in the main series. Overall, Mega Rayquaza aims to be one of the best Dragon-types that players can use for participating in Raid Battles.
How to counter Mega Rayquaza in Pokemon GO

Whether fighting against it in Raid Battles or taking on its standard form in PvP, players will encounter a Rayquaza in their campaign at some point. As such, it will be helpful to go over some of the finer details about the species ahead of time to avoid being caught off-guard when in the midst of a close raid or heated competitive match.
Rayquaza, in both forms, possesses the Dragon and Flying typings, leaving the creature weak to Ice, Dragon, Fairy, and Rock-type attacks. However, since both of its elements are weak to Ice attacks, players should build their team around powerful creatures of the element.
Thankfully, there are tons of creatures in Pokemon GO that work great against both standard and Mega Rayquaza in battle.
The first Mamoswine, which has grown somewhat popular in the community for its appearance in raiders' teams facing off against Dragon-type bosses. Other great choices include Kyurem, Weavile, Galarian Darmanitan, Articuno, Avalugg, and Regice.
Is Rayquaza good in Pokemon GO PvP?

Rayquaza struggles in lower tiers of play in Pokemon GO due to the combat power limit. However, in the higher tiers of Master League, it is one of the best Dragon-types in the tier. Thanks to its great offensive moveset, Rayquaza can easily plow through a lot of the competition, even going toe-to-toe with other dragons like Dragonite and Giratina.
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