Machop Pokémon

Last Modified Jul 27, 2021 03:32 GMT

Introduced in generation one, with the original Pokemon Red, Blue, and Green games, Machop is a monotype fighting Pokemon. It is the base evolution of Machamp and evolves into Machoke upon being traded and reaching the level threshold respectively. Machop is classified by the Pokedex as the “Superpower Pokemon” as it is powerful enough to throw a hundred adults. This guide will showcase Machop’s evolution line’s capabilities in battle, its appearances in the anime and other general facts about Machop.


About Machop

First appearance in animePokemon the Original Series: The Punchy Pokemon
First appearance in gameRed/Green (Japan) Red/Blue (International)
Region Kanto
Evolution Base evolution of Machamp, evolves into Machoke upon reaching the level threshold
1st Evo level28
2nd Evo levelEvolves from Machoke into Machamp upon being traded
Pokedex EntryMachop's muscles are special - they never get sore no matter how much they are used in exercise. This Pokémon has sufficient power to hurl a hundred adult humans.

Machop Base Stats



Machop is a bipedal, humanoid-like Pokemon that has a gray body with three brown ridges on top of its head. It has a very burly appearance with muscly arms and what appears to be its rib lines on its chest. At its base it has a short tail and Machop’s eyes are red with black pupils. It is also fairly short at only 2 feet and 7 inches, or 0.8 meters, tall.

Machop Appearance


As one of the original 151 Pokemon from generation one, Machop has had multiple opportunities to appear in the anime’s history. Most of its depictions show it with adolescent vigor and a desire to prove itself. As the base evolution it is also depicted to enjoy a healthy amount of play with other Pokemon. The Pokedex states that it never stops training to become stronger, and it is capable of throwing a hundred adult human beings.

Strengths and Weaknesses

For a base evolution Pokemon, Machop has a respectable physical attack base stat line. It also has a no nonsense ability of No Guard, which ensures that any attack from or to Machop never misses. As a monotype fighting Pokemon, it is weak to flying, psychic and fairy type moves but resistant to rock, bug, and dark type moves.

Shiny Machop

The evolution line for Shiny Machop is lime green all the way down the line. The grey color found on regular Machop is swapped for lime green in Shiny Machop. While the lime green shinies are typically scorned by the community, it allows Shiny Machop to be very distinguishable from its regular variant. Like all shiny Pokemon, Shiny Machop gains a starry animation upon entering battle.

Shiny Machop

Best Moveset

Machop’s usability in competitive battling is almost exclusively limited to LC (Little Cup) brackets, where every Pokemon has to be its base evolution. This gives Machop a decent amount of consideration as with the No Guard ability, it can get away with its high base physical attack stat as well as using some inaccurate, but high base power, moves. Consider running Dynamic Punch, Knock Off, Rock Slide, and Poison Jab. Dynamic Punch has very high base power, but it is not up for consideration without No Guard which makes it hit 100% of the time. Knock Off functions as a way to remove problematic items from your opponents, Rock Slide is a solid move that only gets better through No Guard and finally, Poison Jab can give you some versatility against wall strategies.

Dynamic PunchKnock Off
Rock SlidePoison Jab

How to Catch Machop in Pokemon Go

If you want to obtain a Machop in Pokemon Go, it is fairly easy to do so because as a base evolution it is rather common to encounter in the wild. You can find a boosted spawn rate of fighting type Pokemon near sport stadiums, physical fitness centers, and other recreational areas. If you want to evolve your Machop, you will need to collect 25 Machop candies to evolve it into Machoke, and another 100 to evolve it into Machamp. You can also find Machops in tier one raid battles in Pokemon Gyms, so keep your eyes peeled for wild encounters or nearby Pokemon Gym raids if you want a Machop in Pokemon Go.

Machop in Pokemon Go


  1. Before the release of the generation one games, Machop was originally named Kara-Tee, a corruption of the name Karate.
  2. The inspiration for Machop’s design simply comes from bodybuilders, while also possessing some features from reptiles.
  3. The name Machop is likely a combination of the words macho (Spanish for overly male), and the word chop.



What Level does Machop Evolve?

Machop will evolve into Machoke from level 28 onwards and evolves into Machamp after Machoke is traded. After Machop reaches level 28 you just need to let the evolution animation play out without pressing the “B” button in order to evolve Machop. Afterwards, your Machoke will need to be traded in order to obtain a Machamp.

What is Machop supposed to be?

The inspiration for Machop’s design likely comes from bodybuilders with some reptilian features mixed in. Machop is among the first Pokemon added to the franchise but they have continued humanoid designs throughout the generations. Most likely, the designs are supposed to represent certain tropes found in human behavior.

Is Machop a good Pokemon?

Machop is a decent Pokemon, especially when it’s ability, No Guard, is taken into consideration. The abilities downside is that no move will miss, including One Hit KO moves, making it difficult for casual play. However, as most One Hit KO moves are banned from competitive play, No Guard allows Machop to utilize high base power moves with low accuracy making it a powerful choice for the LC Bracket as well as casual play.


Congratulations, you now know just about everything there is to know about this “Superpower Pokemon”. Machop has been in the franchise since the very beginning with Pokemon Red, Blue, and Green games but has still managed to retain some relevance as well as screen time ever since. It is a unique Pokemon and while its resemblance to human beings is a little uncanny, its capabilities in battle make it quite memorable. If you need a solid physical attacker on your team, reserve a slot for Machop.

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