Madrid Pokemon GO Fest 2024's in-person events will take place from Friday, June 14, 2024, at 9:00 am local time, through Sunday, June 16, 2024, at 8 pm local time. Like the other GO Fest events, the in-person events at Madrid will be divided into a Park Experience and a City Experience. You will also enjoy a Football Experience exclusive to this location.
In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about Madrid Pokemon GO Fest 2024, including all the event bonuses, all the Shiny Pokemon you can catch during this event, and more.
All bonuses during Madrid Pokemon GO Fest 2024

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
You will enjoy the following bonuses during Sendai GO Fest:
- 0.5x Egg Hatch Distance for eggs incubated during the GO Fest event
- Lures Modules will last for two hours
- You will get 7 km eggs
- You can do six Special Trades
- You will get nine Raid Passes
- 2x Catch Candy
- 1.5x Hatch Candy
- 1.5x Hatch Stardust
So, the bonuses are exactly similar to those of Sendai GO Fest.
How to prepare for Madrid Pokemon GO Fest 2024
As mentioned earlier, the Madrid GO Fest in-person events will take place from June 14, 2024, to June 16, 2024. To participate in these events in Madrid, you must buy a ticket for 32 Euros.
Link to buy tickets for the 2024 Madrid GO Fest:
The Park Experience will take place in Parque Juan Carlos I. The City Experience will let you be wherever you want to be in the city of Madrid, so it is advisable to stay close to the location of the in-person events.
If you do not speak Spanish, you should have a translating application on your mobile device for ease of communication. Hopefully, there will be natives who speak English.
Playing Pokemon GO non-stop for over eight hours can drain the battery of your mobile device. So, keep a portable charger, ideally a power bank to recharge your phone's battery while you are outside. You should also carry water and basic first aid for unforeseen medical emergencies.
Where should you play during the Madrid Pokemon GO Fest 2024?

As mentioned earlier, the Park Experience will be held at Parque Juan Carlos I while the city phase will be held in Madrid, Spain.
Coordinates of Parquw Juan Carlos I: 40°27′36″N 3°36′22″W / 40.46011°N 3.60605°W
Coordinates of Madrid, Spain: You can play anywhere in Madrid to get the city spawns. 40.416775, -3.703790 is a general point in the city.
All new Pokemon at Madrid Pokemon GO Fest 2024
Shiny Pheromosa, Shiny Crabrawler, and Shiny Crabominable are going to make their debut during the Madrid Pokemon GO Fest. If you missed the Sendaik
Also read: When is Necrozma coming to Pokemon GO?
Madrid Pokemon GO Fest 2024 rotation habitats and their Pokemon spawns
Mysterious Labyrinth Habitat
- Pikachu Wearing a Moon Crown
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Lickitung
- Eevee wearing a Moon Crown
- Natu
- Baltoy
- Beldum
- Pansage
- Munna
- Petilil
- Ferroseed
- Espurr
Rocky Shore Habitat
- Pikachu wearing a Sun Crown
- Lapras wearing a Scarf
- Eevee wearing a Sun Crown
- Chinchou
- Nosepass
- Shieldon
- Throh
- Tirtouga
- Amaura
- Crabrawler
- Dewpider
- Jangmo-o
Cursed Forest Habitat
- Pikachu wearing a Moon Crown
- Zubat
- Eevee wearing a Moon Crown
- Tangela
- Sableye
- Cacnea
- Lunatone
- Deino
- Orange Flower Flabebe
- Pancham
- Phantump
- Baile Style Oricorio
Sunrise Gateway Habitat
- Pikachu wearing a Sun Crown
- Eevee wearing a Sun Crown
- Skarmory
- Solrock
- Cherrim (Sunshine Form)
- Bronzor
- Fletchling
- Furfrou
- Helioptile
- Tyrunt
- Carbink
- Pa'u Style Oricorio
You will encounter the following Pokemon in all habitats

- Unown A
- Unown D
- Unown G
- Unown H
- Unown I
- Unown N
- Unown T
- Unown Y
- Unown ?
- Klefki
All Raids at Madrid Pokemon GO Fest 2024
- Nihilego
- Pheromosa
- Kartana
- Guzzlord
- Necrozma
- Stakataka
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