Mewtwo Pokémon

Last Modified May 27, 2021 07:30 GMT

Mewtwo is one of the first Legendary Pokémon ever introduced to the Pokémon franchise. Mewtwo debuted in Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow as an ultra-rare and super powerful Psychic-type Pokémon that became available after the player defeated the Elite Four and became the Champion. Mewtwo is a major character in the Pokémon animated series and movies, it appears on official Pokémon merchandise, and it is even a playable character in Super Smash Bros.

Mewtwo Pokemon

About Mewtwo

Mewtwo is a Psychic-type Pokémon with high stats that is notoriously difficult to find and catch. It is a clone of Mew that was created and augmented by Team Rocket scientists to be the strongest Pokémon in the world. It is capable of communicating fluently with humans and Pokémon, and it has a wild and reclusive personality. Years of abuse and harsh training by Team Rocket filled Mewtwo with cruelty and rage, and it eventually broke out of Team Rocket's captivity and wreaked havoc across the Kanto region before going into hiding. In Pokémon X and Y, Mewtwo received two Mega Evolutions.

Mewtwo’s National Pokédex number is 150.

First appearance in animeIndigo League (Season 1)
First appearance in gameGeneration 1 (Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Green Version, Pokémon Blue Version, and Pokémon Yellow Version)
Region Kanto
Evolution Mewtwo does not evolve
Pokedex Entry“Created from the DNA of Mew, this Pokémon is a dangerous combination of overwhelming power and a savage heart.”

Mewtwo Base stats


Appearance of Mewtwo

Mewtwo is a genetically modified clone of Mew. It is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon with feline and alien features. It has piercing purple eyes, gray skin, and a purple abdomen and tail. It has a slim torso and arms, but a muscular tail and legs. It is tall, and its tail is nearly as long as its body. It has dull horns on its head and a tube-like protrusion behind its head that bypasses its neck and runs from the base of its skull to space on its back between its shoulders.

Shiny Mewtwo has lighter gray skin and swaps its purple highlights for green highlights.

Appearance of Mewtwo

Behavior of Mewtwo

Mewtwo rarely walks and instead uses its formidable Psychic power to float and fly through the air. Mewtwo was scientifically engineered to be savage and void of compassion. It was developed to utterly destroy its foes in battle with tremendous rage and Psychic energy. Mewtwo communicates fluently with humans and Pokémon through telepathy, and it can exercise mind control over some beings.

The Pokémon animated series eventually reveals that Mewtwo can feel empathy and compassion for others. Multiple Mewtwos were created by Team Rocket, each with unique personalities, experiences, and goals.

Behavior of Mewtwo

Strengths and Weaknesses

Mewtwo’s Psychic typing gives it a good defense against Fighting and Psychic-type moves. However, Mewtwo is weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type moves.

Mewtwo has high Special Attack and Speed making it a powerful Special Sweeper.

Mewtwo Strengths and Weaknesses

Pokémon Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back

Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back (Pokémon Mewtwo Strikes Back for short) was the first-ever Pokémon movie. Released in North American theaters in 1999, it also included the first Pokémon short film: Pikachu’s Vacation. Pokémon Mewtwo Strikes Back told the story of how Mewtwo was created by Team Rocket and the results of its escape into the Pokémon world.

Team Rocket leader Giovanni sought to create the most powerful Pokémon in existence, so he funded Dr. Fuji’s cloning research on the condition that Dr. Fuji would clone and augment a Mew with DNA from a fossilized Mew eyelash. Mewtwo survived the DNA splicing and cloning process and slowly grew to be intelligent and powerful. It questioned the reasons for its captivity and destroyed the lab where it was created, killing everyone inside.

Later, Giovanni finds Mewtwo in isolation and offers to help it hone its powers in return for its service. Mewtwo agreed and helped Team Rocket wreak havoc and steal Pokémon for a time. Giovanni even used Mewtwo to defeat trainers at the Viridian Gym. Eventually, Mewtwo realized the depths of Giovanni’s cruelty, and it escaped from Giovanni and vowed to take over the world of humans, believing that all humans were as cruel as its creators.

Mewtwo arranges a tournament on its private island with many of the strongest trainers in the surrounding area. It sends letters calling brave challengers, then it creates a fierce storm around its island to deter any weak opponents. Ash, Misty, and Brock arrive, along with a handful of other trainers and Team Rocket. When the trainers arrive, Mewtwo reveals itself and issues a challenge. After a brief battle, Mewtwo steals all of the trainers’ Pokémon with special Poké Balls and clones them with an advanced machine.

Ash eventually manages to break the machine that controls the special Poké Balls and releases all the trainers’ stolen Pokémon. Ash runs forward and attempts to punch Mewtwo, however, Mewtwo throws Ash to the roof of the castle. Mew appears and rescues Ash, then communicates with Mewtwo, saying that Pokémon gets their strength from their hearts, not their anger. Mewtwo releases all of the clones it created and orders them to fight the trainers’ Pokémon, to force all the Pokémon on the island to fight to the death to see who is stronger. Mew and Mewtwo battle each other as well until Ash intervenes and tries to stop them. The combined power of Mew and Mewtwo’s psychic blasts turns Ash to stone. All the surrounding Pokémon and clone Pokémon see Ash’s sacrifice and weep, and their tears magically bring Ash back to life.

Ash’s sacrifice causes a change of heart in Mewtwo, and Mewtwo sets aside its plan to take over the world and instead vows to find a home for itself and its clone Pokémon. Mewtwo decides that the origins of life are irrelevant; what matters is what one chooses to do with life.

At the end of Pokémon Mewtwo Strikes Back, Mewtwo wipes the memories of everyone evolved in the events on the island, and it disappears from the series for a few years, before returning later in the movie Mewtwo Returns.

Pokemon Mewtwo Strikes Back

Mewtwo Evolutions

Mega Mewtwo X:

When it holds Mewtwonite X, Mewtwo can Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo X during battle. Mega Mewtwo X maintains the same color scheme as Mewtwo, but it packs on more muscle all over its body. Its dull horns become pointed and take on a weeping curve upwards, and it gains purple ridges on its shoulders and an additional protrusion running from its skull to its back in between its shoulders.

Mega Mewtwo X’s Psychic and Fighting typing gives it a good defense against Fighting and Rock-type moves. However, Mega Mewtwo X is weak to Flying, Ghost, and Fairy-type moves.

Mewtwo has high Attack and Speed making it a powerful Physical Sweeper.

Mega Mewtwo X

Mega Mewtwo Y:

When it holds Mewtwonite Y, Mewtwo can Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo Y during battle. Mega Mewtwo Y maintains the same color scheme as Mewtwo, but it becomes notably smaller. Its dull horns become pointed with a crest that arches over its head to connect them, and it loses its tail. A long, purple, prehensile, tail-like growth extends from the back of its skull.

Mega Mewtwo Y’s Psychic typing gives it a good defense against Fighting and Psychic-type moves. However, Mega Mewtwo Y is weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type moves.

Mewtwo has high Special Attack and Speed making it a powerful Special Sweeper.

Mega Mewtwo Y

Shadow Mewtwo

Shadow Mewtwo appears in multiple Pokémon games and spinoffs, though its appearance in each is unique from the others.

Shadow Mewtwo in Pokémon Go

Players encountered Shadow Mewtwo during a special event in Pokémon Go. Professor Willow notified players that Team GO Rocket had been causing trouble and offered them a series of Special Research tasks to take down Team GO Rocket. After players defeated Giovanni, they had a chance to capture Shadow Mewtwo, a special, powered-up version of Mewtwo exclusive to Pokémon Go.

Shadow Mewtwo is considered one of the most powerful Attacking Pokémon in the game. Shadow Mewtwo is significantly stronger than regular Mewtwo, who is generally considered slightly above average in the Pokémon Go meta.

Shadow Mewtwo in Pokkén Tournament

Shadow Mewtwo is a playable character and the final boss in Pokkén Tournament. Shadow Mewtwo was a regular Mewtwo that was accidentally corrupted by absorbing the energy of the Shadow Synergy Stone.

Shadow Mewtwo is a Technical Fighter with several high-damage combos. It is a versatile and unpredictable opponent, and it also has one of the only self-healing moves in the Pokkén Tournament. Its Dark Nova burst attack is one of the most powerful moves in the game.

Shadow Mewtwo also has a few drawbacks. It has the lowest HP in the game, and all of its moves drain its health.

Shadow Mewtwo

Best moveset for Mewtwo

Mewtwo is a very powerful Pokémon that can have a prominent place in competitive teams as long as it’s allowed in battle.

It’s important to consider Mewtwo’s Nature and Ability when preparing for competitive battling.

Mewtwo’s Pressure ability causes foes to use twice as much PP when they attack, which can significantly reduce the threat of dangerous moves.

The best natures for Mewtwo will boost its Speed or Special Attack and will hinder its Attack.

The following moveset, combined with good IVs, good EVs, a good Nature, and the right Ability, can make Mewtwo a formidable Special Sweeper.

PsystrikeIce Beam

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.

How to catch Mewtwo(~XYZ) in Pokemon Go?

How to catch Mewtwo in Pokémon Go as your Starter Pokémon

The only way to catch Mewtwo in Pokémon Go is by defeating it in a special EX Raid Battle. Only players who regularly participate in and win Raid Battles will receive EX Raid Passes during special EX Raid Battles.


  1. Mewtwo is one of only two Pokémon to receive two Mega Evolutions. The other is Charizard.
  1. Mewtwo has the longest absence of any recurring Pokémon character in the Pokémon TV series. 1006 episodes passed between its appearance in Season 1 on Season 23.
  1. Mega Mewtwo Y has the highest base Special Attack of any Pokémon in the Pokémon games.
  1. Mewtwo consistently ranks as the most popular Legendary Pokémon of all time due to its appearances in every Pokémon game ever made, its recurring role in the Pokémon animated series, its appearance in numerous spinoffs, and its long-time presence in the Super Smash Bros. series.


Q. Who is stronger Mewtwo or Mew?

In the Pokémon games, Mewtwo is stronger than Mew. Mewtwo has a base stat total of 680, while Mew has a base stat total of 600. Additionally, Mewtwo can Mega Evolve. Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y, and Mega Rayquaza are tied for the second-highest base stat total in the Pokémon games. They are behind only Eternamax Eternatus, who has a base stat total of 1125.

Q. What does Mewtwo evolve from?

Mewtwo does not evolve from anything. It is a clone of Mew. Mewtwo can Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y.

Q. Did Mewtwo kill Ash?

The combined energy of Mewtwo and Mew’s attacks petrified Ash Ketchum when he stepped between them. However, the tears of dozens of onlooking Pokémon brought Ash back to life.

Q. Is Ditto a failed Mew?

Ditto is believed to be the result of failed attempts at cloning Mew. Eventually, Team Rocket scientists were successful, and they created Mewtwo. But they failed countless times and presumably released the failed clones of Mew into the wild to fend for themselves.


Mewtwo is the most well-known Legendary Pokémon in the world. Mewtwo has been a prominent figure in every form of Pokémon media, and it has also featured in merchandise and fanart across the globe. Mewtwo will hold an important place in the hearts of Pokémon fans for many years to come.

Let’s Go, Mewtwo!

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