One of the most powerful legendaries in Pokemon GO just hit Tier 5 Raids.
Thundurus is one of the famed wind genies from Generation V. It and its brothers all have Therain Formes. These alternate forms still pack the same punch as their Incarnate formes. Thundurus Therian-Forme is one of the stronger Electric-types out there.
Shiny legendary Pokemon from the Unova region coming to Raids
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Thundurus Therian-Forme has made a triumphant return to Raids. It will be a Tier 5 Raid boss, and most of the other Raid bosses will also be Electric-type for the time being.
While Thundurus Therian-Forme has appeared through Raids before, Shiny Thundurus Therian-Forme is making its debut. This shiny version has a darker purple hue compared to the normal navy blue.
Along with Thundurus Therian, several other Electric-types will be making appearances through Raids. The full breakdown of Raid bosses are as follows:
- Tier 1: Starly, Shinx, Blitzle, Klink, Rockruff
- Tier 3: Fearow, Alolan Graveler, Raichu, Druddigon
- Tier 5: Thundurus Therian-Forme
- Mega Tier: Mega Manectric
Fortunately, many of these Pokemon can be shiny as well, including Mega Manetric.

The best day to hunt for Thundurus Therian-Forme is going to be April 6, 2022. On that day, from 6:00 pm. to 7:00 pm local time, there will be a Raid hour for the Unovan legendary.
When it comes to actually battling Thundurus Therian-Forme in the Raid, some of the best counters are the stronger Rock-type Pokemon in the game. Examples of these would be Rhyperior, Terrakion, Tyranitar and Mega Aerodactyl (who was a Mega tier Raid boss itself not too long ago).
Other good counters are Ice-types. Mamoswine, for instance, as it deals tons of DPS to Thundurus Therian with Powder Snow and Avalanche. It also helps that Mamoswine is part Ground-type, so it’s immune to Thundurus’ Electric-type moves.
Any trainers without Mamoswine can use Weavile, who should be able to outdamage Thundurus Therian with its Ice Shard and Avalanche combination. Galarian Darmanitan also will stomp Thundurus Therian with its enormous Attack stat.
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