Pokemon GO trainers might be able to find a shiny Mamoswine at the beginning of the Season of Heritage.
Mamoswine is becoming one of the more recognizable faces of Generation IV. Fans were able to catch it in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and it has even made an appearance in Pokemon Unite. Mamoswine is a unique Pokemon since it’s the only one with Ground and Ice typing in existence.
Ground and Ice Pokemon with shiny available
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Pokemon GO is holding an Incense Day on December 5, 2021, from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM local time. The featured Pokemon is Swinub, who evolves in Mamoswine, and it has a chance to be shiny.
This incense day will work differently than other events like Community Days or Spotlight Hours. Rather than having the featured Pokemon show up in the wild often, Swinub will be attracted to incense for the duration of the event.
Not only will Mamoswine have a chance of being shiny, but it can also have access to a special move. If any trainer evolves Piloswine into Mamoswine during the event, that Mamoswine will know the Rock-type move Ancient Power.
This move may not be among the strongest attacks, but it has a chance of raising Attack and Defense in PvP.
This Incense Day will allow trainers to catch many more Pokemon aside from Swinub, and most of these other Pokemon can be shiny as well. Since Swinub is a Ground-type and Ice-type Pokemon, other Ground-types and Ice-types will be attracted to incense along with it.

Each hour on Incense Day will be devoted to a specific type. In the first hour of the event, Ice-types will be attracted to incense. In the second hour, Ground-types will become attracted, and the two types will switch each hour throughout the day.
The Ice-types that will be attracted to incense are as follows:
- Seel
- Jynx
- Sneasel
- Snorunt
- Snover
- Vanillite
Galarian Darumaka will also be a rare spawn from incense. Also, all of these Pokemon except Galariand Darumaka and Vanillite can be shiny.
The Rock-types that will be attracted to incense are as follows:
- Onix
- Cubone
- Ryhorn
- Wooper
- Phanphy
- Barboach
The rare spawn for Rock-types will be Larvitar. Also, other than Phanphy, every single other Pokemon here can be shiny.
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