Spheal might be joining several of its Ice-type buddies who will have a chance to be shiny in Pokemon GO.
Pokemon GO’s Holiday Event began on 16 December 2021, and appropriately, multiple Ice-type Pokemon are being featured. Not only will many of them have shiny forms available, but a large number will also feature holiday-themed clothing, including Spheal.
Generation III Pokemon with shiny available through Holiday Event
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Spheal, the Ice-type and Water-type sea lion from Hoenn, will be spawning in the wild during Pokemon GO’s Holiday Event. More importantly, trainers will have a chance of finding a shiny Spheal.
This Spheal also has gotten dressed up for the holidays. It features a red and green scarf around its body. While the normal Spheal sprite has light blue skin, its shiny counterpart is a light purple.
There are actually several ways trainers can get a hold of Spheal during this event. The Pokemon will be spawning frequently in the wild, but it will also be an encounter for Field Research tasks as well as a Tier 1 Raid boss.
The Holiday Event is split into two parts, with part one ending after the Community Day on 23 December 2021. Fortunately, though, Holiday Spheal will remain available throughout both parts of the event, along with its shiny form.
Other Pokemon that will be spawning in the wild for part one of the Holiday Event are as follows:
- Pikachu with a holiday Hat
- Holiday Stantler
- Swinub
- Holiday Delibird
- Snorunt
- Snover
- Vanillite
- Holiday Cubchoo
All of these Pokemon have a chance of being shiny as well, except for Vanillite. Alolan Sandshrew and Cryogonal will also be rare spawns. Cloyster, Glaceon, Kyurem and Mega Steelix will be available through Raids, along with most of the other Pokemon listed.

When the event changes over to part two on 23 December 2021, Mega Steelix will be swapped out for Mega Abomasnow. The Generation VI Pokemon Bergmite will also be making its debut during part two.
Bergmite evolves into Avalugg, a Pokemon who is notorious for having an obnoxiously large Defense stat. This may end up being a popular Pokemon for PvP or Gym defense teams.
However, even if trainers miss out on shiny Spheal during this event, they won't have much to worry about. Spheal will also be featured on a Community Day on 16 January 2022, and its shiny will be available then as well.
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