When the Rainforest habitat is on rotation during Pokemon GO Fest 2022, trainers should be able to find several fan favorites.
There will be four different “habitats” featured at the event: Tundra, City, Plains, and Rainforest. Each will have spawns having to do with its specific theme. It just so happens that some of the more famous names in the franchise fall under this Rainforest theme, making it an excellent opportunity to go out and catch Pokemon.
Which Pokemon can be caught when the Rainforest habitat is active?
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The Rainforest theme will feature several Grass-types. They often deviate from this, though, with several spawns of different types but still adhering to the forest vibe.
The full list of spawns trainers can expect when the Rainforest habitat is in the rotation is as follows:
- Mudkip
- Seedot
- Shroomish
- Slakoth
- Turtwig
- Grotle
- Chimchar
- Monferno
- Venipede
- Karrablast
- Binacle
- Skrelp
- Dragalge
- Rowlett
More rare spawns when this habitat is in rotation are Gracidea Pikachu and Pancham. Trainers who have purchased a ticket can also use incense to attract Pancham and Tropius.

This will be a special time to catch Karrablast. As some fans might know, several Generation V shiny forms haven’t been released in the mobile game for a while. This GO Fest is an opportunity for some Generation V shinies to make debuts, including Karrablast.
The Rainforest habitat will be the only one where a trainer can get a starter of every start type. Mudkip is the Water starter from Hoenn, Inferno is the Fire starter from Sinnoh, and for Grass-type, trainers can either get Turtwig from Sinnoh or Rowlett from Alola
Rowlett was recently featured in the Welcome to Alola event. Some trainers may have missed out on this, though. GO Fest is giving trainers another shot at catching this, which will be great for trainers who want to collect as much from the Alolan Pokedex as possible.
However, one big advantage Rowlett doesn’t get is access to Frenzy Plant. It is one of the best Grass-type moves in the game. They are exclusive to starters, but only up until Generation V.
Frenzy Plant has the same stats as Blast Burn and Hydro Cannon, as they were each powerful moves added in Generation IV. This makes Mudkip, Chimchar and Turtwig key pickups for anyone looking for a better PvP team.
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