The starters of the Johto region are among the many starter Pokemon trainers can catch in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Whether it is from their original debut in Generation II or their appearance in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, many fans remember Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile well.
Their final evolutions (Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr, respectively) got access to strong moves in Generation IV (Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, and Hydro Cannon), making their appearances in these remakes very fitting.
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Starter Pokemon from Johto found in Underground
To catch the starters from the Johto region, trainers are going to need the National Dex first. To obtain it, they are going to need to beat the Elite Four and Cynthia. Then, they will need to talk to Rowan at his laboratory in Sandgem Town for the National Dex.
However, it’s important to note that trainers also need to have seen every Pokemon from the Sinnoh Dex, or else Professor Rowan won’t grant the National Dex.
After that’s done, trainers will need to grab their Explorer Kits because the Generation II starter Pokemon are in the Underground. Each specific one can be found in rooms based on the typing of the particular Pokemon.
Cyndaquil, for instance, can be found in the areas that contain lava. These rooms will have other Fire-type Pokemon such as Magmar and Houndoom.
Totodile can be found in the watery areas of the Underground, which pretty much is only Fountainspring Cave. There are several other great spawns there, though, including Squirtle and Dratini.

Finally, Chikorita is located in the grassy and wooded areas of the Underground. Examples of these areas would be Sunlight Cavern or Still-Water Cavern.
When searching the Underground, it’s important to remember that each starter Pokemon is considered a rare spawn. Rooms in the Underground have one rare spawn, and there’s no guarantee that it will be a starter.
If trainers don’t see the starter they’re looking for when they enter a room, though, they can simply walk out to reset the room. When they re-enter, the spawns will change, and potentially, the desired Pokemon will appear.
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