Anything trainers can do to change bad natures in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is worth doing.
Many casual players might not care about natures, but learning about them actually shows how impactful they can be. Of course, many natures won’t matter, but getting a nature that lowers a valuable stat (i.e., a - Attack Garchomp) can flat out be frustrating.
How can trainers get beneficial natures for their Pokemon?
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There are several ways to change a Pokemon’s nature in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, but there is only one way to specifically make them of a particular nature. This is done through the use of mints.
Thankfully, these mints are named by the nature that gets applied to the Pokemon. For example, the Adamant Mint gives the consumer the Adamant ability.
These mints are only available in the post-game, however. After beating the Elite Four, trainers can head to the Battle Tower and earn BP to pay for these mints. Each mint costs 50 BP, though, so trainers will have to grind battles before they have enough BP to purchase these mints.
If trainers don’t want to aim for a specific nature but simply want to swap out a detrimental nature for their Pokemon, there are several other options. Of course, going back into the wild and catching multiple of the same Pokemon is a perfectly acceptable way to at least get a decent nature.

Another strategy that trainers can use is catching multiple Ditto and an Everstone. When a Pokemon holds an Everstone and hatches an Egg, the offspring is guaranteed to get the same nature as its parent.
Fortunately, Ditto can breed with everything. So, any trainer with Ditto can guarantee that a Pokemon it breeds will have its nature guaranteed.
Trainers can get really lucky with this strategy. For instance, if they catch a Modest Ditto, they may want to hold onto it for later on. If they catch a Kadabra, they can breed with that Ditto to hatch a Modest Abra. Once it evolves, it will be an Alakazam with boosted Special Attack!
Each nature, other than the neutral ones, will lower a stat as well as raise a stat. One tip players should use when deciding natures is to look for stats that the Pokemon won’t care about.
For example, Staraptor really doesn’t need Special Attack. This is because the moves it will likely use (Brave Bird, Close Combat, etc.) are all physical. Therefore, Adamant is a great nature for Staraptor since it boosts Attack and lowers Special Attack.
Note: Some of this article reflects the author’s views.
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