The Pokemon-centered answers for Pokedle version 160 on March 20, 2024, have been revealed. This entertaining daily trivia game tasks players with guessing the identity of Pocket Monsters based on multiple puzzles, including one similar to Wordle, those based on Pokedex clues and TCG card art, as well as one based on the silhouette of a creature's official artwork.
For March 20, 2024, the Pokedex puzzle clue is as follows:
"One of Doduo's two heads splits to form a unique species. It runs close to 40 MPH in prairies." - Pokedle, March 20, 2024
Meanwhile, the following clues should help Pokemon trivia challengers solve the Wordle-styled Classic puzzle:
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- Type 1: Poison
- Type 2: None
- Habitat: Grassland
- Color: Purple
- Evolutionary Stage: Second
- Height: 90 centimeters
- Weight: 19.5 kilograms
Nidorino, Dodrio, and more Pokemon included in the answers for Pokedle 160 (March 20, 2024)

In case players are curious about the full list of answers for Pokedle on March 20, 2024, they can find them below:
- Classic: Nidorino
- Card Art: Goldeen
- Pokedex Entry: Dodrio
- Silhouette: Machamp
Solving the Classic puzzle may be the toughest task for the day, but things get easier when players narrow down their answers to Generation I Pokemon, which Pokedle currently uses. We know that the creature has evolved once, has a purple color, and is a mono Poison-type species. Moreover, it's smaller than Poison-types like Muk, Koffing, or Arbok, making Nidorino one of the only plausible answers.
For the TCG card art puzzle, taking a close look at the center of the blurred art can immediately give players the Pokemon answer they need. The creature is finned like a fish and has an orange-and-white color scheme, with the white being more prominent than the orange, matching the appearance of the Kantonian Water-type Goldeen perfectly.
The Pokedex puzzle might be one of the most obvious Pokemon answers in recent Pokedle memory. It explicitly points to Doduo's evolution, which creates a third head. Since Doduo's only evolution is Dodrio, it should be the easiest guess by far for Pokedle 160.
That leaves the silhouette puzzle, and many players will immediately notice muscled legs and arms within it, as well as what appears to be an additional arm above the first. When it comes to musclebound Pocket Monsters with multiple sets of arms, Machamp is the remaining choice as far as Generation I is concerned.
Past Pokedle answers

Since each respective puzzle category in Pokedle avoids repeating answers, fans can use answers from past versions of the puzzle game to help them narrow down their future guesses. With that in mind, the last few days' Pokedle answers can be found below:
- March 19, Pokedle 159 - Kangaskhan (Classic), Aerodactyl (Card), Gastly (Pokedex), Cubone (Silhouette)
- March 18, Pokedle 158 - Geodude (Classic), Rhyhorn (Card), Horsea (Pokedex), Tentacool (Silhouette)
- March 17, Pokedle 157 - Magneton (Classic), Beedrill (Card), Weepinbell (Pokedex), Geodude (Silhouette)
- March 15, Pokedle 155 - Gengar (Classic), Psyduck (Card), Arbok (Pokedex), Zapdos (Silhouette)
- March 14, Pokedle 154 - Lickitung (Classic), Nidoqueen (Card), Pidgey (Pokedex), Diglett (Silhouette)
- March 13, Pokedle 153 - Zubat (Classic), Machamp (Card), Chansey (Pokedex), Muk (Silhouette)
The next set of Pokedle puzzles is slated to be released on March 21, 2024, at midnight US Mountain Time (UTC - 6). New answers will be posted shortly after, so be sure to check back tomorrow if you need a hand. By keeping their daily streak alive, fans can keep pushing until they have the matching knowledge of a Pokemon Professor!