The Pokemon-themed solutions for the puzzles for Pokedle version 151 on March 11, 2024, have been revealed. This entertaining daily game sees fans determining the identity of Pocket Monsters through a series of puzzles, including a Wordle-styled guessing game, one based on the TCG's card art, as well as puzzles based on Pokedex entries and silhouettes.
For March 11, 2024, the Pokedex clue for its corresponding puzzle is as follows:
"Its tail is thick and powerful. If it binds an enemy, it can render the victim helpless quite easily." - Pokedle, March 11, 2024
Meanwhile, the parameters down below should help Pokemon trivia masters deduce the identity of the "Classic" Wordle-styled puzzle:
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- Type 1: Grass
- Type 2: Poison
- Habitat: Forest
- Color: Green/Yellow
- Evolutionary Stage: Second
- Height: 1 meter
- Weight: 6.4 kilograms
Weepinbell, Nidoking, and more Pokemon included in Pokedle 151's answers (March 11, 2024)

In case Pokemon trivia fans are missing answers for Pokedle 151, they can find the full collection of solutions below:
- Classic: Weepinbell
- Card Art: Grimer
- Pokedex Entry: Nidoking
- Silhouette: Moltres
Deducing the identity of Weepinbell can be a tough one, as there are several Grass/Poison-type Pokemon from Generation I that Pokedle utilizes. However, one of the defining aspects of its identity in the provided clues is that it has a yellow and green color scheme, which ties squarely into Bellsprout's evolutionary family. Since it's a Stage 2 evolved species, that leaves Weepinbell as the pick.
The card art can be tricky since the purple card border initially denotes a Psychic-type creature, but a close look at the art itself suggests a fairly blobby Pocket Monster with a purple body. Not too many Generation I species have such a formless body composition, and fans won't take long to come to Grimer as a conclusion.
Next up is the Pokedex entry, which might be tough since many Pokemon have powerful tails they use in battle and elsewhere. However, Nidoking is widely renowned for its tail being capable of constricting the life out of its foes, and fans of Pokemon Silver will notice the Pokedex entry in particular, as it is the entry for Nidoking in that Generation II game.
That leaves the silhouette, which is hard to mistake for anything other than Moltres. The silhouette features bird-like talons and massive flaming wings, leaving the Legendary Bird as the most straightforward guess in today's puzzle set.
Previous Pokedle Answers

One of the nice aspects of Pokedle's trivia puzzles is that each category doesn't tend to repeat answers. Since this is the case, players can use answers from previous days of Pokedle to inform their future guesses. The past several days of Pokedle answers can be found below and used for reference:
- March 10, Pokedle 150 - Gastly (Classic), Seel (Card), Clefable (Pokedex), Tangela (Silhouette)
- March 9, Pokedle 149 - Lapras (Classic), Slowbro (Card), Raichu (Pokedex), Arcanine (Silhouette)
- March 8, Pokedle 148 - Bulbasaur (Classic), Poliwrath (Card), Venomoth (Pokedex), Charmeleon (Silhouette)
- March 7, Pokedle 147 - Tentacool (Classic), Venomoth (Card), Rapidash (Pokedex), Jynx (Silhouette)
- March 6, Pokedle 146 - Sandshrew (Classic), Exeggutor (Card), Lapras (Pokedex), Seel (Silhouette)
- March 5, Pokedle 145 - Ninetales (Classic), Porygon (Card), Onix (Pokedex), Horsea (Silhouette)
- March 4, Pokedle 144 - Voltorb (Classic), Onix (Card), Kabuto (Pokedex), Gyarados (Silhouette)
- March 3, Pokedle 143 - Machamp (Classic), Golem (Card), Ekans (Pokedex), Clefable (Silhouette)
- March 2, Pokedle 142 - Dodrio (Classic), Flareon (Card), Wartortle (Pokedex), Snorlax (Silhouette)
- March 1, Pokedle 141 - Jynx (Classic), Articuno (Card), Moltres (Pokedex), Drowzee (Silhouette)
The next set of quizzes for Pokedle version 152 will go live at midnight on Monday, March 12, 2024, based on US Mountain Time (UTC - 6). Answers will be posted shortly after, so be sure to stop by again to get the answers and keep the daily win streak going. Before players know it, their Pokedle expertise will put them on the level of knowledge of a Pokemon Professor!