Ever wonder what would happen if a Pokemon transformed into Shadow Giratina in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?
Although the Generation IV remakes are very faithful to their predecessors, Ramanas Park was one of the more popular nuances in the games. This area allows trainers to catch many Legendary Pokemon that they couldn’t get their hands on in Sword and Shield. One such Pokemon, Giratina, is covered in a dark shadow.
Can Pokemon transform into shadow version of Giratina?
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YouTuber, The Legendary Nic, recently showcased what would happen if a Pokemon were to transform into the shadow version of Giratina Origin.
For this experiment, The Legendary Nic decided to use the Pokemon Mew, who can learn Transform naturally. The only other option here would be Ditto, but Ditto usually has the Imposter ability which transforms into the opposing Pokemon immediately.
The experiment resulted in Mew transforming into Giratina Origin, but without the shadow: Mew simply altered itself into Giratina Origin’s ordinary sprite.
According to the lore of the Sinnoh region, Giratina is the Legendary Dragon that represents Antimatter. Therefore, it’s appropriate that it would have a shadowy appearance during it’s Ramanas Park battle. It looks like this is just for show, though.
To trigger this battle with Shadow Giratina, players are going to have to do a couple steps. First of all, they need to have beaten the Elite Four and collected the National Pokedex. They will also need to have already caught Giratina Altered.

The next step would be to catch the original Legendary titan trio (Regirock, Regice and Registeel). Trainers are going to need the Discovery Slates to get these Pokemon.
The Discovery Slates can be traded for Mysterious Shards in the lobby of Ramanas Park, so trainers might need to do some mining to complete this step.
After all of the Regis have been caught, the Distortion Slate will become available for more Mysterious Shards. This will unlock the battle with Giratina Origin.
Trainers be forewarned, though: Giratina Origin will be at level 100. This is definitely a battle trainers might want to save for later on, when their Pokemon get more leveled up (or just save the Master Ball for it).
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