The Pokemon-themed answers for Pokedle on April 9, 2024, have been revealed. Players tackle this daily challenge by deducing the identity of Pocket Monsters across four puzzle categories, including a Wordle-styled "Classic" puzzle, those based on TCG card art and Pokedex entries, as well as a final puzzle that centers on the silhouette of a creature's appearance.
For April 9, the clue to the Pokedex puzzle is as follows:
"It pacifies offspring by placing them in the gaps between the spines on its back. The spines will never secrete poison while young are present." - Pokedle, April 9, 2024
Meanwhile, these metrics and parameters should help Pokemon trivia fans solve the Classic guessing puzzle:
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- Type 1: Normal
- Type 2: Fairy
- Habitat: Grassland
- Color: Pink
- Evolutionary Stage: Second
- Height: 1 meter
- Weight: 12 kilograms
- Ability: Cute Charm
Nidoqueen, Wigglytuff, and other Pokemon included in answers for Pokedle 180 (April 9, 2024)

For the full list of answers for each Pokedle puzzle on March 9, 2024, players can check below:
- Classic: Wigglytuff
- Card Art: Gengar
- Pokedex Entry: Nidoqueen
- Silhouette: Charizard
Figuring out the Classic puzzle might seem tricky at first, but since Pokedle only uses Generation I Pokemon for answers at the moment, things are much simpler than expected. A pink species that has evolved once with a Normal/Fairy-typing and access to the Cute Charm Hidden Ability can only point to Wigglytuff, Jigglypuff's final evolution.
The TCG card art puzzle should be a pretty quick one to figure out. Even though the card art is blurred, players can easily make out a large, somewhat round purple body and glaring red eyes. Thinking back to Pocket Monsters from the Kanto region, the appearance perfectly fits the Pokemon Gengar, the final evolution of Gastly and Haunter.
For the Pokedex puzzle, we know that the answer has poisonous barbs on its body, but that it's also protective of its young. In Generation I, the Nidoran evolutionary family's last evolutions—Nidoking and Nidoqueen—seem to be the most plausible guesses. However, Nidoking is known to be more aggressive and doesn't child rear quite as much, leaving Nidoqueen as the sensible answer.
That leaves the silhouette puzzle, which any Pokemon fan should recognize immediately since the silhouette shows large, dragon-like wings and what appears to be horns. Wings so massive and a head of horns only perfectly point to the appearance of the Fire-type starter Charizard in Generation I.
Previous Pokedle Answers

One of the nice things about Pokedle is that it refreshes daily, providing new Pokemon puzzle answers that rarely repeat in the same category. Since this is the case, fans can check below for the past few days' of Pokedle answers to help them narrow down future guesses:
- April 8, Pokedle 179 - Bellsprout (Classic), Chansey (Card), Nidoran♂ (Pokedex), Dewgong (Silhouette)
- April 7, Pokedle 178 - Arcanine (Classic), Squirtle (Card), Magmar (Pokedex), Chansey (Silhouette)
- April 6, Pokedle 177 - Poliwag (Classic), Metapod (Card), Bellsprout (Pokedex), Goldeen (Silhouette)
- April 4, Pokedle 175 - Tangela (Classic), Mewtwo (Card), Psyduck (Pokedex), Electrode (Silhouette)
- April 3, Pokedle 174 - Aerodactyl (Classic), Golduck (Card), Arcanine (Pokedex), Poliwhirl (Silhouette)
- April 2, Pokedle 173 - Clefable (Classic), Arbok (Card), Machamp (Pokedex), Kabutops (Silhouette)
The next set of Pokedle puzzles will be made available at midnight US Mountain Time (UTC - 6) on April 10, 2024. Answers will be posted shortly after, so check back in and keep your daily streak going.