Omanyte Pokémon

Last Modified Aug 3, 2021 08:40 GMT

Omanyte is a Water Ground dual type Pokemon introduced in Generation 1. It is considered to be Kabuto’s counterpart and is a Fossil Pokemon that can be resurrected from a Helix Fossil. It is the unevolved form of Omastar and is based on ammonite, which is an extinct species of mollusk. Omanyte are also extinct but revivals have brought some back which has caused problems for the Pokemon world.


About Omanyte

First appearance in animeOriginal Series: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon
First appearance in gameRed and Blue
Region Kanto
Evolution Omanyte → Omastar
1st Evo level40
2nd Evo levelN/A
Pokedex EntryBecause some Omanyte manage to escape after being restored or are released into the wild by people, this species is becoming a problem. This Pokémon is a member of an ancient, extinct species. Omanyte paddles through water with its 10 tentacles, looking like it’s just drifting along.

Omanyte Base stats



Omanyte is a small Pokemon that has been likened to an ammonite, a real life fossil. It has a sky blue body with many tentacles, ten to be exact and a pale yellow spiral helix shell on its back. That makes it look somewhat like a snail with two indents on the shell from which its large round eyes come out.


If attacked or threatened, Omanyte will withdraw all the way into its shell because they are naturally timid and scared. Omanyte is an extinct species of Pokemon although it can be revived with the use of a Helix Fossil. Its fossils are typically found in places where there used to be oceans and they can now be found in the wild due to people reviving it and releasing it which is causing problems to the ecosystem. It typically feeds on Plankton.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Omanyte is weak to Fighting, Ground, Grass and Electric type Pokemon, and takes twice the normal damage. It is not immune to any type of Pokemon but is resistant to Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire and Ice type moves. These types will only do half the damage when fighting Omanyte but Fire type moves will do a quarter of the normal damage. Furthermore, Omanyte is strong when attacking Ground, Rock and Fire types.

Best moveset (Omanyte)

Omanyte has a lot of strong moves including Double Edge, which is a move that has 120 power and 100% accuracy. Here are Omanyte’s best moves: Double Edge has 33% recoil, Wring Out does more power the more HP the target has left and Surf hits adjacent Pokemon and does double the damage in Dive. Finally, Blizzard has a 10% chance of freezing the target and will never miss during a hailstorm.

BlizzardDouble Edge
Wring OutSurf

How to catch Omanyte in Pokemon Go?

Omanyte has been one of the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Go since the game came out. It has recently been spawning in a lot of places due to the Ultra Unlock: Time event in which Omanyte, Kabuto, Porygon and Cranidos have all received very increased spawn rates. Otherwise, it can be found in docks, harbors, riverbanks, streams, wetlands, basins and other wet places. It can also be found rarely from 5km eggs and evolves into Omastar after feeding it 50 candies.


  1. In the Red and Blue beta, Omanyte was simply known as “Ess”, which is short for escargot. Escargot is a word for snail, which Omanyte closely resembles.
  2. Omanyte is based on ammonite, which is a real fossil.
  3. Omanyte’s Pokedex number may be referring to the Fibonacci Sequence.


What is an Omanyte?

The closest real life comparison, other than a snail, is the ammonite. It is a marine mollusk that is now extinct. It was closely related to octopuses, squid and cuttlefish and was said to be around four and a half feet big.

Why did Omanyte go extinct in the first place?

Omanyte went extinct because its shell became so heavy that it could no longer catch its prey. The plankton were able to avoid it and thus it starved to death and eventually went extinct.

Which is better: Omanyte or Kabuto?

Kabuto is a stronger offensive Pokemon by a long shot, but Omanyte’s defense is tremendous. It can really take a lot of hits in battle and while it depends on what you want, both have their overwhelming advantages when compared to the other.


Omanyte is a very good and rare Pokemon, with it extremely rare in Pokemon Go and can only be found via a trade in many games, including Pokemon Sword and Shield. It is a fossil, so it can be revived, but it is also an extinct species with incredibly high base defense stat, so it can withstand a lot of damage which makes it an excellent addition to any team.

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