In the vast realm of Pokemon, few creatures resonate as deeply with trainers as the Pidgey line - the trio of avian beings: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, and Pidgeot. In the anime, Ash's capture of Pidgeot traces back to its humble beginnings as a tiny Pidgey, marking the second ally he captured in the Kanto region and his third addition to his team.
While Ash's ally only evolved into a Pidgeot in the episode after it parted ways, it spent most of its time as a Pidgeotto, leaving us with many memories.
Initially perceived as generic bird Pokemon, these feathered companions have a richer history and a more intricate design than meets the eye.
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Exploring origins of Pidgey, Pidgeotto, and Pidgeot in Pokemon
While commonly misinterpreted as pigeons due to their namesakes, the Pidgey line transcends mere pigeon-like features. The design cues in the Generation 1 creatures, particularly in Kanto, often blend real-world elements with imaginative liberties. Pidgey, resembling the female Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, and its evolutions, akin to Red-Tailed Hawks, showcase these amalgamations.
However, intriguing details in their design, such as the three toes or the lack of chest spots, stand as remnants of design liberties taken by the creators in the early stages of the franchise. These deviations give the line its distinct characteristics, falling into the realm of 'Just Gen 1 Things.'
The narrative deepens when exploring the inspirations behind their designs. The distinct black streaks on their faces draw parallels to facial patterns seen in various falcon species. Pidgeot's renowned speed, reaching Mach 2, correlates with falconry's swiftness, attributing a falcon-like prowess to this avian entity.
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, and Pidgeot's Egyptian influence
Beyond avian resemblances, Pidgeot's grandeur is reminiscent of Egyptian mythology, notably akin to the falcon-headed deities Horus and Ra. The head crests sported by Pidgeotto and Pidgeot mirror attributes of these deities or cockatoo species, delving further into the abstraction of their avian origins.
The introduction of Mega Pidgeot in the franchise's universe parallels the concept of Mega Evolution akin to the Super Saiyan power-up from Dragon Ball Z. Mega Pidgeot's augmented features, particularly its extravagant 'hair,' evoke the symbolism of a pschent, a double crown symbolizing unity in ancient Egypt, worn by pharaohs like Ra and Horus.
Pokedex talks about their diverse life
However, the Pokedex entries for the Pidgey line, spread across 64 entries in the mainline series, present a fascinating contradiction. They reference various behaviors and attributes spanning various bird species, from dust bathing habits to hunting techniques.
These entries, divergent from the line's physical design, portray them as a mixture of avian traits, encompassing behaviors similar to eagles, ospreys, and even alpine swifts, depicting an amalgamation of avian abilities.
The Pidgey line embodies the epitome of avian diversity, encapsulating elements from small passerine birds to mighty birds of prey. Their unique blend of features and behaviors signifies that they transcend the mere pigeon designation, representing diverse avian traits within the world.
The saga of Pidgey, Pidgeotto, and Pidgeot stands as a testament to the intricacies of a few of the many company designs, weaving together real-world inspirations with imaginative decorations, evolving beyond their seemingly generic appearances into a harmonious amalgamation of avian attributes.
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