Blissey is notorious for being the best health tank in not just Pokemon GO but the entirety of the Pokemon franchise. This fact is not surprising as Blissey evolves from Chansey, the second best health tank. Given these Pokemon's status in the community, there are a lot of players that want to use Blissey in Pokemon GO's competitive Battle League.
Since its debut in the second generation, many Pokemon veterans have used Blissey on their team. This generation was the one to add the staple friendship mechanic seen in every Pokemon game since. Pokemon from the previous generation received evolutions that required this friendship mechanic like Golbat, Eevee, and of course, Chansey.
Whenever players are considering adding a new Pokemon to their battle team, various game knowledge must be kept in consideration. Information like the Pokemon's typing as well as stats and movepool must be known for players to effectively use any Pokemon. Blissey is no exception.
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Blissey in Pokemon GO: An Analysis

Despite popular belief, Blissey is not a Fairy-type Pokemon. Blissey is a pure Normal-type. This misconception is often caused by the Chansey family's counterparts, Wigglytuff and Clefable, receiving the Fairy typing.
Wigglytuff keeps its Normal typing while Clefable fully converts to being a pure Fairy-type. This pure Normal typing gives Blissey one weakness and one resistance. Blissey is weak to Fighting-type attacks and resists Ghost-type attacks.
Looking at Blissey's stats, it is unsurprising that its best stat is its stamina. Sitting at a massive 496, Blissey has the highest stamina stat in the game. The rest of Blissey's stats are balanced around this with a defense stat of 169 and its weakest stat being attack at only 129.
Blissey's main role in Pokemon GO is less of a tank and more of a wall with it only being good at being a safe switch with its massive bulk as well as doing okay chip damage.
Like a lot of Normal-type tank Pokemon, Blissey has a lot of good coverage options. On top of the powerful Hyper Beam, Blissey has two Psychic-type attacks in Zen Headbutt and Psychic as well as Dazzling Gleam for Fairy-type coverage.
This gives Blissey lots of room to experiment with different movesets to best suit the desired meta or playstyle. To maximize Blissey's damage output, a combination of Pound and Hyper Beam should be used.
To summarize, Blissey is the best stamina tank in Pokemon GO. For players who incorporate this type of role into their playstyle, Blissey is worth the time and effort to acquire.
With incredible coverage and access to Hyper Beam, Blissey can help out the team with occasional bursts of consistant charged attack damage. Blissey's best damaging moveset is Pound and Hyper Beam.
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