Elesa is the Electric-type Gym Leader at the Nimbasa City Gym, which is known to be one of the tougher gyms to face in Pokemon Black and White. She is a supermodel with a stylish appearance and dazzling yet strategic battling skills. This guide will help you navigate the gym and provide strategies to defeat Elesa using the best possible methods with the available resources.
Before heading into the gym, consider exploring Route 16 and the Lostlorn Forest to expand your team and gain experience.
How to get to the Nimbasa City Gym Leader Elesa in Pokemon Black and White?

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The Nimbasa Gym, located next to the Ferris Wheel where you met N, is a bit of a maze. Here is a step-by-step guide to navigate it:
1) Arrival in Nimbasa City: After defeating Burgh in Castelia City, head north to Route 4. Continue traveling north until you reach the gates of Nimbasa City.
2) Exploring Nimbasa City: Upon entering Nimbasa City, you will notice several points of interest such as the Pokemon Center, the Battle Subway, and the amusement park. Heal your team at the Center and stock up on items.
3) Finding the Gym: The Nimbasa City Gym is located towards the southeast part of the city. Look for a large building with a roller coaster track in front of it.
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4) Navigating the Gym: The Nimbasa City Gym is designed like an amusement park, with roller coasters serving as the primary mode to move around in the building. To reach Elesa, you must navigate through these roller coasters and battle the Gym Trainers along the way.
- Enter the Gym: Upon entering, make sure to pick up your Fresh Water from the person at the door.
- Take the Blue Track Car: This car which will take you to the first gym Trainer. Defeat her Emolgas and press the button next to her.
- Back on the Blue Track Car: It will take you to a new area with the second Trainer. Defeat her Blitzle and press the nearby button.
- Yellow Track Car: A third Trainer will hop out of a yellow track car. Defeat her two Blitzles and hop on the yellow track.
- Orange Track Car: Press the button here to bring around the orange track car, which will bring the fourth Trainer to you. Defeat her Emolga to proceed.
- Final Car: This car will take you directly to Elesa.
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How to defeat the Nimbasa City Gym Leader Elesa in Pokemon Black and White?

Elesa is an Electric-type specialist who relies on paralyzing opponents and confusing them with constant strategic switch-ins. Defeating her will require a well-prepared team and a good strategy.
Elesa's lineup and movesets
Elesa's team consists of three Pokemon, each with moves designed to exploit Electric-type advantages.
1) Emolga (Lv. 25)
- Moves: Volt Switch, Aerial Ace, Pursuit, Quick Attack
- Ability: Static
2) Emolga (Lv. 25)
- Moves: Volt Switch, Aerial Ace, Pursuit, Quick Attack
- Ability: Static
3) Zebstrika (Lv. 27)
- Moves: Spark, Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Volt Switch
- Ability: Lightningrod
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Counters and strategies against Nimbasa City Gym Leader Elesa

To counter Elesa's Electric-type Pokemon, consider the following strategies and counters:
- Ground-Types: Electric-type moves are ineffective against Ground-types. Creatures like Sandile, Palpitoad, and Drilbur can be very effective. Palpitoad is especially useful because it is also a Water-type, which resists Elesa's Flame Charge.
- Rock-Types: Rock-types can resist Aerial Ace from Emolga and deal significant damage with Rock-type moves. Boldore or Roggenrola are good choices.
- Paralysis Heals: Elesa's Static ability and the move Spark can inflict paralysis. Bring plenty of Paralyze Heals or Full Heals to keep your team in fighting shape.
- Avoiding Volt Switch: Elesa’s Emolgas often use Volt Switch to swap out, making it hard to land consistent hits. Try to predict this move and use Pokemon that can tank the hit and retaliate.
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Battle Strategy before you face Nimbasa City Gym Leader Elesa

- Lead with a Ground-Type: Start the battle with a Ground-type Pokemon to immediately neutralize Emolga’s Electric moves.
- Watch for Volt Switch: Be prepared for Elesa’s Volt Switch tactic. Use Pokemon that can absorb the hit or switch to a resistant ally when you predict a Volt Switch.
- Focus on Zebstrika Last: Zebstrika is Elesa’s strongest Pokemon. Save your most powerful moves and counters for Zebstrika to ensure you can defeat it quickly.
- Heal Wisely: Use healing items strategically, especially if your Pokemon get paralyzed or take heavy damage from Zebstrika’s Flame Charge.
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Nimbasa City Gym Leader Elesa: Counters and strategies

1) Prepare your team: One of the best Pokemon to bring is a Level 25 or above Sandile. Its Ground-type abilities make it immune to Electric-type attacks.
2) Battle tactics:
- Against Blitzle: Use Ground-type moves to quickly take down Blitzle.
- Against Emolga: Since Ground-type moves won't affect Emolga, switch to non-Ground moves. Sandile can still be effective but consider using Rock-type moves. TM39 Rock Tomb, found in the nearby Desert Resort, is particularly effective against Emolga.
3) Avoid Water-types: Flying and Water-type Pokemon are weak to Electric moves, so it is best to leave them out of this battle.
4) Gain more exp: If you want more experience or to catch more Pokemon, visit Route 16 and Lostlorn Forest before challenging Elesa.
With these steps and strategies, you will be more than ready to ace Elesa and obtain the Gym Badge in Pokemon Black and White.
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