With Pokemon Day approaching with each passing hour, many fans are holding their breath in anticipation of the reveal of the awaited Pokemon Black and White remakes. However, no official statement regarding these games has been made, leaving fans of the franchise with many unanswered questions.
While it is not guaranteed that we will receive an announcement for these remakes during the future Pokemon Day reveal show that is typically hosted, remakes of the fifth generation will be done at some point in the future. Hopefully, we can answer most questions players would have about these new titles.
Speculating Pokemon Black and White remakes: what to expect from these titles

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Of course, we do know that these remakes will be taking place in the Unova region. This is the region these games take place in, and with whatever format Game Freak would choose to go about making these remakes, it is practically guaranteed to be taking place in the Unova region at some point in time.
Pinpointing how exactly Game Freak will go about creating these remakes is uncertain, considering how the fifth generation's game releases were originally handled. Since the generation gave us Pokemon Black and White 2 rather than a remake of an older generation, it is unclear if Game Freak will remaster one of these games, remake both and sell them in a collection, or if they will release Pokemon Black and White 3.
What some fans have also been holding out for is the return of the Legends game in the form of a hypothetical Pokemon Legends: Kyurem or Victini title. This would feature an ancient version of the Unova region, along with more story content for the distant past of Unova, which is teased several times throughout the original titles.

We can safely assume that these games will also be available for the Nintendo Switch. Though the rumors of Nintendo's next console are rampant in online gaming communities, there has been no concrete confirmation that a new console will be coming from the company anytime soon. As such, it is unlikely that these remakes will be put on any other platform aside from Nintendo's main console.
Since the most recent remakes, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, did not add any additional creatures or forms to the Pokedex, it is unlikely that old creatures will make a return in new regional "Unovan" forms. It is likely that, depending on how Game Freak makes these remakes, we could see a new Legendary in the form of a "complete" Kyurem.
Hopefully, Game Freak learned from the poor reception of the last remakes and has decided to put a little more effort into the remasters of this beloved region if they choose to remake the original games. Many fans are hoping for Pokemon Black and White 3, so the deep lore of the Unova region can be even further established.