Trainers can have an easier journey with the best team composition for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. As trainers progress through the story, they will come across a variety of mighty opponents. This makes it vital for them to have a diverse team of Pokemon that can take on all comers throughout the Sinnoh region.
Trainers will have to create the perfect team if they want to defeat adversaries and become the Champion in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
From the first starter Pokemon chosen to the dangers of the Wayward Cave, there are many powerful Pokemon to collect in the games. This solid team of six creatures will take some work to obtain but will do wonders for trainers.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.
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Staraptor, Luxray, and others form the best team composition for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

How to get
Infernape is the final evolution of the Fire-type starter in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Trainers need to select Chimchar as their starter and level it up.
Chimchar will evolve into Monferno at level 14. It takes a while to reach the next evolution. However, with some hard work, trainers will gain enough EXP to evolve Monferno into Infernape at level 36.
Best moveset
- Power-Up Punch
- Close Combat
- Acrobatics
- Flare Blitz
How to use
Infernape is most effective as the longest-lasting member and the starter. It should almost always be the lead unless trainers know they will go against something that the Pokemon is weak to.
Players can use Infernape as a dominating battler who delivers nonstop offense. Power-Up Punch will raise its Attack stat, causing its already dangerous moves to be even more deadly in battle.

How to get
Starly is one of the very first Pokemon trainers will encounter in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. The first few routes of the Sinnoh region are absolutely filled with the Normal/Flying-type Pokemon.
At level 14, Starly evolves into Staravia. Staravia then becomes Staraptor at level 34. There are no gimmicks necessary for this evolution. It simply requires gaining EXP and reaching the appropriate level.
Best moveset
- Aerial Ace
- Close Combat
- Brave Bird
- Work Up
How to use
Staraptor is a speedy attacker and should be used as a change of pace. It can brutalize Grass, Bug, and Fighting-types. It also has Close Combat, which knocks out many Pokemon it is weak to but outspeeds.
Work Up should be used to increase Staraptor's Attack stat. From there, players can overwhelm the opposition with intensity.

How to get
Players can obtain a Magikarp pretty early on in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. They can get the Old Rod and use it in any body of water to reel in a Magikarp.
After the Magikarp has been caught, players should put it at the front of the party. They should then immediately switch to another Pokemon if the EXP Share has not been found. This will ensure Magikarp receives EXP for the battle. Upon reaching level 20, it will become Gyarados.
Best moveset
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Fang
How to use
Gyarados makes for a great backup, with Infernape at the front of the pack. It is resistant to both Fighting and Fire-type moves. It also has Intimidate, which lowers the Attack of the opposing Pokemon in battle.
Gyarados can deal multiple types of damage. It also has moves that are supereffective against Fire, Psychic, Grass, Ground, Bug, and Rock-type Pokemon.

How to get
Trainers can get yet another focal point for their team early in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Shinx can be caught and trained from the opening stages of the game. Upon reaching level 15, it will evolve into Luxio. Luxray comes at level 30. This is one of the only viable Electric-type Pokemon available, and it should be on every team.
Best moveset
- Spark
- Crunch
- Thunder Wave
- Iron Tail
How to use
Luxray has a massive base Attack stat at 120, but that's not where it should focus its power. Instead, it should utilize Thunder Wave as early and often as it can while in battle.
Thunder Wave paralyzes the opposing Pokemon it is used on, slowing it down and potentially preventing it from moving at all. Luxray doesn't have the best Speed stats, so this sets it up to attack perfectly.

How to get
Budew is a small Grass-type Pokemon that is commonly found on Route 204 and Route 212. It evolves into the powerful Grass/Poison-type, Roselia, when leveled up with high Friendship during the daytime.
Any time after that point, Roselia can be evolved into Roserade by using a Shiny Stone on it.
Best moveset
- Giga Drain
- Toxic
- Petal Blizzard
- Sludge Bomb
How to use
Roserade will be the staller of the team. It packs quite the punch with its Same Type Attack Bonuses. Petal Blizzard and Sludge Bomb can do immense damage, but Toxic and Giga Drain are the stars of its moveset.
Toxic will poison opponents and slowly chip away at their HP. Giga Drain will deal damage and return some of the damage dealt to Roserade in the form of its own HP. Players can utilize these moves to keep Roserade in the fight.

How to get
Garchomp is the hardest member of the team to find. It must be evolved from Gible and Gabite. Gible becomes Gabite at level 24, while Garchomp becomes available at level 48.
Gible can be caught in the Wayward Cave, which is accessible from a secret entrance under Cycling Road. This can be done later in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and is well worth the wait.
Best moveset
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
- Crunch
- Swords Dance
How to use
Garchomp should be used as the team's tank. It is only weak to Ice, Dragon, and Fairy-type attacks. This means it can take a hit from the majority of types found in the Pokemon franchise.
Players should let it be a scrappy fighter that increases its Attack with Swords Dance and then decimates the other team.
Earthquake is perhaps the strongest attack in all of Pokemon, and Garchomp gets a STAB when using it.
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