Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl for Nintendo Switch are the long awaited remakes of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS. One of the unique qualities of these games is how players can access several areas and features of these games after obtaining the National Pokedex. Unlike every other game in the series, however, the National Pokedex is only available to players after seeing every Pokemon in the Sinnoh region.
One of the Pokemon that players are having trouble finding in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is the elusive 114th Pokemon in the Pokedex. Just what is this mysterious Pokemon and how can players find it?
Discovering Pokemon 114 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

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The ambiguous Pokemon 114 is none other than the Alphabet Pokemon, Unown. First appearing in Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal in the mysterious Ruins of Alph, Unown has mystified both series veterans and newcomers alike.
Coming in 28 different forms in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players looking to truly catch them all will be searching for a long time.
Almost every form of Unown can be found and caught in the Solaceon Ruins located in Solaceon Town northeast of Hearthome City. To access this part of the game, players must make their way to the top right corner of the town and walk until they reach the third ledge where they can jump from. From there, players will be able to see the entrance to Solaceon Ruins.
While players only need to see one form of Unown to complete their Pokedex, there is an additional challenge for the truly dedicated players: catching every form of Unown. Located in a small cave just south of Veilstone City, players will meet a man named the Ruin Maniac. Upon talking to him, he will challenge the player to a race. The challenge tasks the player with catching every form of Unown before the Ruin Maniac digs through the mountain.
This race ends in a tie. Upon catching 26 forms of Unown and meeting with the Ruin Maniac, a new tunnel will appear known as the Maniac Tunnel. This tunnel takes the player to the upper level of Solaceon Ruins that was previously inaccessible. This part of the ruins is the only place where players can catch the last two forms of Unown: the exclamation point form and the question mark form.
While catching every single form of Unown is not necessary to obtain the National Pokdex, it is an entertaining challenge for players looking for something more from the game. Solaceon Ruins also contains a nugget, a rare candy, a mind plate, and some odd incense so the location is worth investigating for any player.
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