Among the 18 elemental types in the Pokemon franchise, Fairy Pocket Monsters were the last to be introduced. They debuted in Generation VI with the X and Y main-series titles. From the time these critters were added to those games, they were among the strongest creatures available. Fairies provided utility in both offensive and defensive play when it came to battles and, more often than not, featured adorable designs in keeping with their names.
This article will provide you with an overview of the Fairy-type's strengths, weaknesses, strongest Pocket Monsters, and more.
Fairy-type Pokemon strengths

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When all Fairy-type Pocket Monsters from all generations are considered, they have an average base stat total of 446.01. Considering only the fully evolved versions of those critters with multiple stages of evolution, the total comes up to 527.6. This is one of the highest numbers for any type in the Pokemon franchise.
Offensively, attacks of this type hit Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type Pocket Monsters with super effective damage. This means the damage dealt by Fairy moves is doubled if the target is of one of these types.
Fairy-type Pokemon resistances
Defensively, Fairy-type creatures resistant to Dragon, Bug, Dark, and Fighting. They take zero damage from Dragon-type attacks in the main series games. The three other types deal half the regular amount of damage to Fairy Pokemon.
Fairy-type Pokemon weaknesses
Defensively, Fairy-types are weak to only two elements: Poison and Steel. Incidentally, these are also two out of three types that resist Fairy-type attacks, along with Fire.
Strongest Fairy-type Pokemon

The following are the best Fairy-type creatures to use when it comes to viability in Scarlet and Violet VGC across their singles and doubles formats:
- Flutter Mane (Ghost and Fairy)
- Grimmsnarl (Dark and Fairy)
- Fezandipiti (Poison and Fairy)
- Therian Forme Enamorus (Fairy and Flying)
- Alolan Ninetales (Ice and Fairy)
- Iron Valiant (Fairy and Fighting)
- Hatterene (Psychic and Fairy)
- Azumarill (Water and Fairy)
- Sylveon (Fairy)
- Scream Tail (Fairy and Psychic)
The critters on this list are viability in Scarlet and Violet VGC's singles and doubles formats not only because of their base stats but also secondary typing, abilities, and learnsets. Whether a Pocket Monster is legal in Generation IX VGC was also an important point of consideration.
Strongest Fairy-type moves
The top Fairy-type moves are those that do a lot of damage, implant status conditions, boost or debuff stats, or heal the user significantly. The following options are the best in the current generation of Pokemon:
- Misty Explosion
- Springtide Storm
- Moonblast
- Play Rough
- Strange Steam
- Dazzling Gleam
- Misty Terrain
- Charm
- Fairy Lock
- Moonlight
If you want to capture shiny forms of Fairy-type Pocket Monsters, you can cook Fairy Sparkling Power Sandwiches using our recipes.
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