Originating from Pokemon's third-generation games, Absol in Pokemon GO is a solid PvE fighter with limited Great League PvP applications. The Disaster Pokemon is currently enjoying an upswing in popularity, thanks to its presence at the game's Fashion Week event and as a 3-star raid boss.
Absol is a mono Dark-type Pokemon, giving it three elemental weaknesses and three resistances. If a trainer encounters it in a Pokemon GO battle, they'll definitely want to be aware of and exploit Absol's weaknesses to have an advantage. Countering Absol should be just as effective in PvE raids as they are in PvP action, providing trainers with plenty of freedom when formulating their battle teams.
Pokemon GO: Top counters for defeating Absol in raids or PvP

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Absol is susceptible to Fighting, Bug, and Fairy-type moves in Pokemon GO. If trainers want to effectively deal with this Pokemon, they should use these moves with a Pokemon of the same type to benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) feature. If trainers counter Absol effectively, it should be a fairly straightforward opponent to defeat. Regardless of the arena, Absol isn't a very durable Pokemon, although players will have to be cautious of its considerable attack power and bevy of different moves.
Top move counters to beat Absol in Pokemon GO
- Double Kick
- Fury Cutter
- Bug Bite
- Counter
- Low Kick
- Charm
- Rock Smash
- Sacred Sword
- Aura Sphere
- Dynamic Punch
- Bug Buzz
- Close Combat
- Focus Blast
- Superpower
- Dazzling Gleam
- Play Rough
- X-Scissor
- Moonblast
- Megahorn
Top Pokemon counters to beat Absol in Pokemon GO
- Mega Lopunny
- Mega Scizor
- Mega Beedrill
- Terrakion
- Lucario
- Conkeldurr
- Pheromosa
- Machamp
- Galarian Zapdos
- Blaziken
- Buzzwole
- Pirouette Meloetta
- Breloom
- Cobalion
- Togekiss
- Virizion
- Zacian
- Hariyama
- Sirfetch'd
- Heracross
- Sneasler
- Tapu Bulu
- Emboar
- Toxicroak
- Sawk
- Yanmega
- Tapu Koko
- Granbull
- Gardevoir
- Vikavolt
- Primarina
- Bewear
- Genesect
- Escavalier
In theory, as long as Pokemon GO trainers stick to the three types capable of dealing 'super effective' damage to Absol, it shouldn't be too difficult to defeat. The same can't be said for Mega Absol, as players will likely need assistance from fellow trainers to defeat it. However, the standard Absol can be comfortably defeated in raids solo with the right team. PvP can be a different experience though, especially if the opposing Absol still has its shields available.
When dealing with Absol in Pokemon GO's Battle League, it may be prudent to bait its shields away from it. Since Absol has high attack power, it's capable of dealing serious damage while being protected from Charged Moves. If a trainer can use quick-charging Charged Moves to trick the opponent into expending their shields early, Absol's efficacy in battle is diminished. Without protection from Charged Moves via shields, trainers can then switch to a counter Pokemon and comfortably hammer away at Absol's relatively meager health pool.
At the end of the day, the formulation of a battle team to overcome Absol comes down to each individual trainer. However, knowing the Disaster Pokemon's most glaring weaknesses should prove incredibly helpful in the team building process. Experimentation is highly encouraged as long as players stick to elements that counter Dark-types.
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