Arbok has certainly gained notoriety over the years. Not only was it one of the original 151 Pokemon, but it’s pre-evolution (Ekans) was Jesse’s companion in the anime.
Arbok is a pure Poison-type, but when compared to other threats like Gengar and Venusaur, it isn’t the biggest Poison-type to worry about.
Which Pokemon deal the most damage to Arbok?
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As a Poison-type, Arbok has two weaknesses: Psychic and Ground. While either type can take care of Arbok, trainers may want to favor Psychic-types a little more.
This is because, across the board, Psychic-types tend to be a bit more powerful than Ground-types. Many top tier threats in Raids and GO Battle League are Psychic-types, whereas Ground-types only make a few appearances.
When it comes to Psychic-types, it almost goes without saying that Mewtwo is so strong it would practically laugh in front of an Arbok. The same goes for Alakazam, one of the strongest non-legendary Pokemon in existence.
There are several other great Psychic-types out there that aren’t legendary, a Mega evolution, or otherwise difficult to get. Perhaps the best example of this is Espeon, who can spam Confusion and Psychic for high DPS.

Exeggutor is another Psychic-type that really flies under the radar. With access to Psychic and Confusion, it deals a fair amount of damage. The fact that it’s a Grass and Psychic-type helps too, since it has added utility against Swampert and Azumarill.
Another Psychic-type that can do well against Arbok is Mr. Rime. It gets 212 Attack, which is about as high as Swampert’s.
Of course, the company is a little bit smaller when it comes to elite Ground-types, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t out there. Two great Ground-types to have (although they’re both legendary) are Groudon and Landorus.
Both of these behemoths have access to the Mud Slap and Earthquake combination. This is basically a great way to end Raids quickly. Trainers who don’t have too many legendaries can rely on the likes of Excadrill and Galarian Stunfisk instead.
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