Team GO Rocket has long blighted the world of Pokemon GO with their nefarious behavior, but the dedicated efforts of trainers now have them falling back in the new event All-Hands Rocket Retreat.
Including the debut of Pokemon such as Salandit and Salazzle in Pokemon GO, the current Rocket event also brings with it a plentiful amount of field research tasks to complete for rewards.
Although these tasks won't provide the same requirements and rewards as the event's special research tasks, the field research is still worth pursuing. Compared to special research, many field tasks are considerably easier to accomplish in the short term.
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Pokemon GO: All the new field research in All-Hands Rocket Retreat

Currently, only four field research tasks have been added to Pokemon GO during All-Hands Rocket Retreat. These tasks primarily center on defeating the members of Team GO Rocket, capturing their Shadow Pokemon, and then purifying them to remove the corrupting influence of the Pokemon criminals from the innocent Pokemon.
Trainers will receive these field research tasks primarily from spinning Pokestops and gyms, meaning they can obtain them multiple times over the course of the event. These particular tasks will require players to battle Team GO Rocket grunts and leaders, so they'll want to make sure they have a few strong battle teams of Pokemon ready for a fight.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers can find the four new field research tasks the event provides along with their rewards:
- Catch 3 Pokemon - 750 Stardust
- Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader - Scraggy encounter
- Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts - 2 Hyper Potions and 2 Revives
- Purify 3 Shadow Pokemon - Sneasel encounter
It goes without saying that defeating Team GO Rocket leaders and purifying Shadow Pokemon appear to be the most enticing field research tasks. Receiving items like potions and revives is great, but receiving the chance to catch Pokemon is even better.
It presents the opportunity to obtain Pokemon with particularly high IV stats, and occasionally trainers can even spot a shiny Pokemon with these encounters. Considering the rarity of both high IV and shiny Pokemon, it goes without saying that any Pokemon encounters where players don't have to search on their own are highly valuable.
Scraggy and Sneasel are also both quite coveted in Pokemon GO due to their capabilities in PvP battles. Scraggy can evolve into Scrafty, which possesses a unique Dark/Fighting-type combination while also having a considerably high maximum defense stat.
Meanwhile, Sneasel's evolution Weavile has long been considered one of the top Pokemon in Pokemon GO for its capability in battle in both the Dark and Ice-type elemental categories.
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