Trainers without an answer to Typhlosion in Pokemon GO might not have a good time battling it.
Typhlosion is the final evolution of Cyndaquil, the Fire-type starter from Generation II. As a starter Pokemon, Typhlosion gets access to Blast Burn, a move that only Fire-type starters know. This is a very powerful attack that Typhlosion can have charged up in a very short time, so trainers should hope they can resist it.
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Typhlosion is a pure Fire-type, which means it has three weaknesses: Rock, Ground, and Water.
While Typhlosion is quite strong (222 Attack), it also happens to be a bit frail (173 Defense, 186 Stamina), so any Pokemon with a type advantage shouldn’t have any issues doing damage.
When going up against Typhlosion, there is one tool trainers will have to be wary of: Solarbeam. Although it will take a while for Typhlosion to charge one up, Solarbeam does super-effective damage to Rock, Water, and Ground Pokemon.
This won't matter most of the time since most of Typhlosion’s counters have either enough bulk to survive one Solarbeam or enough damage output to eliminate Typhlosion before it charges a Solarbeam up.
There are, however, some Pokemon that are quadruple weak to Solarbeam. Gastrodon, for example, is both Water-type and Ground-type and therefore has to stay as far away from Grass moves as possible.

In a Raid battle or a difficult PvE challenge against Typhlosion, it might not be a good idea to bring a Pokemon like Gastrodon, especially if it has a low CP, just to avoid the risk of taking a Solarbeam.
On the other hand, some Pokemon can also deal Super Effective damage to Typhlosion without being weak to Solarbeam. Garchomp, for example, has a Dragon typing which covers the Grass weakness and destroys Typhlosion with Mud Shot and Earthquake (or Earth Power).
Salamance also can learn Hydro Pump despite not being Water-type. Neither a Blast Burn nor a Solarbeam from Typhlosion would do too much damage to Salamence in return.
Finally, ordinary Gyarados is Water and Flying-type, which means it would take neutral damage from Solarbeam. Of course, Mega Gyarados would take super-effective damage from the Grass-type move, but the mega evolution is so strong that it could potentially annihilate Typhlosion with one Waterfall.
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