Pokemon GO introduced three new evolutionary lines from the Scarlet and Violet games during the Ultra Unlock: Paldea event, which started on September 10, 2023, and will go on till September 15, 2023. One of the critters to debut during this event is Frigibax. This is the base form of the Paldean pseudo legendary line and evolves first into Arctibax and then into Baxcalibur.
Frigibax is an extremely rare spawn in Pokemon GO at the moment. So, you might have a tough time collecting enough Candy to evolve it into Baxcalibur. Thankfully, getting Arctibax takes only 25 Candy, which makes building the critter for Great League battles relatively easy. It can also come in clutch during Gym Battles. However, for either scenario, you need to teach the critter the best moves. This article will help you zero in on Arctibax's best moveset for different situations.
Which moves can Arctibax learn in Pokemon GO?

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Arctibax can use the following Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO:
- Dragon Breath
- Ice Fang
The Charged Attacks that this creature gets access to are
- Avalanche
- Dragon Claw
- Outrage
It is also important to note Arctibax's stats and elemental typing before you can determine its best moveset. Arctibax is an HP-heavy creature, with its best stat being 207 HP. It also has a 173 Attack and 128 Defense.
Arctibax is an Ice- and Dragon-type Pocket Monster, meaning it gets the benefit of same-type-attack-bonus (STAB) for these two elemental types. This also means it is weak to Rock-, Steel-, Fighting-, Fairy-, and Dragon-type attacks.
Best PvP moveset for Arctibax in Pokemon GO
At the outset, it must be stated that Arctibax is only suitable for the Great League. With a maximum combat power (CP) of 2365, it is not even suitable for the Ultra League of GO Battle League.
The best moveset for Arctibax in the Great League are
- Fast Attack: Dragon Breath
- Charged Attack: Dragon Claw and Avalanche
As with its evolved form, Baxcalibur, Arctibax also prefers to run Dragon Breath over Ice Fang. Both moves have the same 4.8 damage per turn (STAB included), but the former generates energy at a faster rate. Moreover, Dragon-type attacks have the potential to do neutral damage to more critters than an Ice-type move.
For Arctibax's first Charged Attack, Dragon Claw is the best option. This Dragon-type attack deals 60 damage (STAB included) but costs only 35 energy. Such a factor makes the move a fantastic way to deal chip damage or bait out enemy shields.
For the second Charged Attack, Avalanche is the way to go. This Ice-type attack deals 108 damage (STAB included) at the cost of only 45 energy. When used by an Ice-type Pokemon like Arctibax, Avalanche has one of the best damage-to-energy ratios in Pokemon GO.
Best PvE moveset for Arctibax in Pokemon GO
Arctibax is not a great choice for raids, but you can definitely use it as an attacker in Gym battles. The best offensive options for Arctibax in this scenario are
- Fast Attack: Ice Fang
- Charged Attack: Outrage and Avalanche
Since energy generation and management are not as important in PvE battles, the raw damage output of Ice Fang, Outrage, and Avalanche helps Arcibax find more success in this format.
Best counters to Arctibax in Pokemon GO
In the Great League, Arctibax wins against Venusaur, Walrein, Sableye, Swampert, and Lanturn but loses out to Medicham, Galarian Stunfisk, Registeel, Azumarill, and Shadow Alolan Ninetales.
Alongside Arctibax, you can check out how the best Paldean starter performs in the GO Battle League.
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