Like many of Pokemon GO's Battle League seasons, Season 9 promises to reward trainers for their perseverance in taking on their opponents.
Along with changes that allow players to battle more times per day, there are increased standard rewards and a bevy of new Pokemon to earn in encounters.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Additionally, inspiration from the Galar region continues, as players can equip their Pokemon GO avatars with items inspired by the region's Pokemon League champion Leon.
Lasting from August 30 to November 29, 2021, Season 9 presents plenty of opportunities for trainers to test their strength and earn some goodies along the way.
Pokemon GO Battle League Season 9: Full list of rewards

There's going to be tons of battling in Pokemon GO's ninth season of PvP, but the rewards are slightly different than before.
For starters, players will receive four times as much Stardust for win rewards. Like in previous seasons, trainers will receive rewards for wins somewhat differently. This will be based on whether they are playing in a standard sense or using a Premium Battle Pass.
The order of rewards can be found below:
Standard Win Rewards
- Stardust
- Mysterious Item
- Pokemon Encounter
- Three Rare Candies
- Stardust
Premium Win Rewards
- Pokemon Encounter
- Mysterious Item
- Stardust
- Six Rare Candies
- Five Charged TMs
For Season 9, the mysterious items include:
- Fast TMs
- Charged TMs
- Sinnoh Stones
- Silver Pinap Berries
In addition, reaching Legend Rank allows Pokemon GO trainers to earn avatar items that are inspired by the Pokemon trainer Leon from the Galar region of Pokemon: Sword and Shield. These items are equippable for both male and female avatars:
- Leon Shirt
- Leon Pants
- Leon Hat
- Leon Gloves
- Leon Pose
When it comes to Pokemon encounters, there is a rank-based pool of potential Pokemon as well as guaranteed encounters when trainers reach a certain PvP rank. The guaranteed encounters and their required ranks are:
- Charizard (Rank 1, can potentially be shiny)
- Mienfoo (Rank 6)
- Noibat (Veteran Rank)
- Deino (Expert Rank, can potentially be shiny)
- Pikachu Libre (Legend Rank, one only, can potentially be shiny)
Guaranteed encounters aside, many Pokemon encounters can initiate depending on the rank that a trainer achieves. A breakdown of this can be found below:
Rank 1+
- Charmeleon
- Nidorana
- Hypno
- Sableye (can potentially be shiny)
- Gothita
- Solosis
Rank 6+
- Mienfoo
Rank 11+
- Rhydon
- Drifblim
- Seismitoad
- Frillish
- Litwick
Rank 16+
- Snorlax (can potentially be shiny)
- Scraggy
- Rufflet (can potentially be shiny)
Rank 20+
- A current five-star raid boss can be encountered at Rank 20 or higher after a win.
Veteran Rank+
- Noibat (can potentially be shiny)
Expert Rank+
- Deino (can potentially be shiny)
Once Pokemon GO players close out the season (if they reached Rank 19 or above), they will also receive an Elite Fast TM.
Read More: The best moveset for Bastiodon in Pokemon GO (September 2021)
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