Ampharos, the Light Pokemon, has been in Pokemon GO since 2017 and has since gained some usage in the competitive PvP Battle League.
Players who may encounter the powerful Electric-type in their battles in the Pokemon GO League may not know how to deal with or counter it. Here are some good ways to do so:
Counters for Ampharos in Pokemon GO

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The first thing to know about Ampharos is that it is an Electric-type. This means that it only has one type that deals super effective damage to it, Ground. Ampharos also takes less damage from Electric, Steel, and Flying-type attacks, so it is best to avoid using these moves.
For fast attacks, Ampharos has only Electric-type moves in Pokemon GO, so Flying and Water-type Pokemon should not take this fight. However, for charged attacks, Ampharos has a lot more options. While Ampharos does have some Electric-type charge moves, it also has access to Power Gem, Focus Blast, and Dragon Pulse. These can be dangerous for Dragon-type Pokemon that players put in their teams to try for an easy K.O.
There is a fairly large catalog of Pokemon that can counter Ampharos relatively easily in Pokemon GO. Garchomp is a great counter due to its strong attack stat coupled with its ground-typing. However, Ampharos might have Dragon Pulse in its moveset, which deals super effective damage to Dragon types like Garchomp.
The most common counter that can be used against Ampharos is Excadrill, as it is a fairly common Pokemon that is relatively cheap to get as it only requires 50 Drilbur candies to evolve. Excadrill also resists any attack Ampharos can use unless it uses Focus Blast as a charged attack. It would be a good idea to scout ahead with another Pokemon and use a shield to see what its charge attack is before sending in Excadrill. If players have a Groudon or a Landorus from a past raid or Pokemon GO event, they are also fine choices as they have great stats and attacking power.
Ampharos' Mega Evolution is another case entirely. Upon Mega Evolving, Ampharos becomes an Electric and Dragon-type. However, aside from the power boost, Ampharos gains three more weaknesses. These weaknesses are Ice, Dragon, and Fairy. This does not change any counters for Ampharos aside from making Garchomp an even better choice to bring to the battle.
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