Blastoise can be tough to beat for an unprepared trainer in Pokemon GO. This Water-type has had a long history, being one of the first starters from the Kanto region.
It has a reputation for being bulky enough to take hits while firing off powerful attacks. Any Water-type with access to Hydro Cannon will be a mega threat. Hence, trainers will want some strong counters.
Which Pokemon deal the most damage to Blastoise?
Since Blastoise is a pure Water-type, it will only be weak to Electric-types and Grass-types. When dealing damage, though, trainers might want to favour Electric-types a bit. This is because, generally, Electric-types deal more DPS.
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It’s hard to compete with offensive juggernauts like Mega Manectric, whose combination of Thunder Fang and Wild Charge can eliminate Blastoise in a short time. Other Electric-types with access to Wild Charge tend to deal the most damage.
Zekrom can be an even better Blastoise counter since its Dragon typing resists Water moves. Zekrom needs to watch out, though, since Blastoise can learn Ice Beam. Some other Electric-types trainers might want to use are Magnezone, Electivire and Raikou.
Despite them doing less damage, Grass-types can certainly also make quick work of Blastoise. Fortunately, Venusaur can annihilate Blastoise with Frenzy Plant, and just last January, trainers could have gotten Venusaur with this powerful charge move through Bulbasaur’s Community Day.

The other premiere Grass-type to use would be Zarude, the new mythical from Sword and Shield. Zarude has been a popular pick in Master League with its massive attack stat (242) and unique typing.
There are plenty of Pokemon that aren’t legendary or Mega evolutions that can deal with Blastoise as well. Sceptile is another Grass-type with access to Frenzy Plant. Roserade and Luxray are other standard counters to Blastoise.
Shockingly, Shadow Arcanine is also a Blastoise counter. Yes, this is incredibly odd since Fire-types are weak to Water. Arcanine can learn Thunder Fang and Wild Charge, though, allowing it to pick up the KO on Blastoise.
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