Dusclops finally got another chance to shine in Pokemon GO as a 3-Star Raid Boss. Players are flocking to Raid Spots to get their chance to add this rare Ghost-type Pokemon to their collection and possibly get another member to add to their battle party.
Dusclops debuted in the third generation of the Pokemon franchise in the Hoenn region. Evolving from the Duskull players could catch at Mount Pyre, many players have fond memories from their time with Dusclops on their team. Dusclops also made an appearance on the team of Phoebe of the Hoenn Elite Four.
For players looking to take on this new Raid Boss, knowing a good strategy and more information on the boss can help players prepare an effective strategy. Information like the boss's typing, stats, and which Pokemon are best suited to take it on can make all the difference between winning and losing.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO Raid Guide: Countering Dusclops

Dusclops is a pure Ghost-type Pokemon. This contributes highly to its defensive capabilities as it provides Dusclops with full resistance against two common attacking types: Normal and Fighting. Duclops also resists Bug and Poison-type attacks. Duclops only has two weaknesses: Dark and other Ghost-type attacks.
Dusclops has great stats for a Pokemon that has yet to evolve fully. In Pokemon GO, Dusclops' highest stat is its defense sitting at an above-average 234. Dusclops' next highest stat is its attack at a rather low 124. Finally, Dusclops' stamina stat is a measly 120, which is underwhelming considering Dusclops is best suited for a defensive role.
Due to Dusclops' low attack and stamina, the best counter for Dusclops is another Ghost-type Pokemon. Dusclops thrives on its utility in the main series, but Pokemon GO's battle system lacks these types of moves, making Dusclops' usage less impactful in Niantic's mobile game.
Typically, Ghost-type Pokemon lacks defensive stats to tackle a lot of damage. Dusclops' lack of powerful attacks gives glass cannon Ghost-types like Gengar and Chadelure free reign over Dusclops in a 1v1 battle. In raids, things get surprisingly less complicated. Simply throwing more glass cannon Ghost-types at Dusclops can easily cleave through its defenses.

The best strategy for taking on a defensive Pokemon in a Raid often depends on how many players are taking part in the battle. For teams containing three or more players, one player should have one or two defensive Pokemon like Blissey.
These Pokemon are known as "Anchors" in Pokemon GO and are used to stall in case the other players' Pokemon faint during the raid so they can heal them before the battle ends.
Utilizing Pokemon that capitalize on Dusclops' low stamina is the key to success. Super-effective burst damage via supercharged attacks are Dusclops' most significant weakness in Pokemon GO. Pokemon like Gengar, Chandelure, and Darkrai are the best possible counters for Dusclops.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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