Lickitung is back in mainstream attention due to its addition to the catalog of this month's Raid Bosses in Pokemon GO, as well as the addition of Jungle Little Cup. Many players may find themselves wanting to use the Licking Pokemon in Pokemon GO's Battle League, but where would they start? How does Lickitung fit on a Battle League team? What moves can Lickitung learn?
Lickitung in Pokemon GO: An analysis

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When using a Pokemon in Pokemon GO, its typing should always be the first thing to know. Lickitung is a Normal-type Pokemon which means it takes super effective damage from Fighting-type attacks. Normal-type Pokemon also take significantly less damage from Ghost-type attacks.
Lickitung's stat spread indicates that its main purpose on the team is a bulky HP tank that can withstand a couple of weak charged attacks and can easily bait out an enemy shield or two. Lickitung has an attack stat of 108, a defense stat of 137, and a stamina stat of 207. Lickitung also has a maximum combat power of 1,595 which means it can be used in the Great League.
For fast attacks, Lickitung can either have Lick or Zen Headbutt in Pokemon GO. Which move to run depends heavily on the situation the player intends on subjecting Lickitung to. Zen Headbutt comes in handy for the occasional Fighting-type encounter if Lickitung ever encounters one, but more often than not, Lick is the better choice. Zen Headbutt may deal slightly more damage, but Lick generates enough energy over Zeh Headbutt for the trade-off to be worth it.
For charged attacks, things get slightly more interesting. Many Normal types are known for having great coverage options to have in their charged move slot; tankier, more bulky Normal-type Pokemon, however, do not tend to have the extensive arsenal that others of their typing do. Lickitung has a choice between three Normal-type attacks, with the only variation being one Grass-type attack.
Stomp is a great option for trainers who want a strong charged attack without excessive energy usage. Stomp has the second highest damage output of all of Lickitung's charged attacks in Pokemon GO and even boosts Lickitung's matching typing.
Hyper Beam is the option to choose for players looking to maximize Lickitung's damage output. While Hyper Beam deals the most damage from Lickitung's charged attacks, it also requires the most energy, so players looking to use it should keep that in mind.
Body Slam is Lickitung's Elite TM exclusive attack for Pokemon GO. It's an excellent option for players who want to use Lickitung for its defensive bulk rather than its offensive capabilities. Body Slam is the move that requires the least amount of energy, so it can easily be spammed to try and bait out the opponent's shields. This may not work for players that are aware of Lickitung's weak attack stat. However, it also requires using an Elite TM, which some players would rather save for a stronger Pokemon.
Power Whip is Lickitung's "coverage option." This Grass-type attack deals super-effective damage to Water, Rock, and Ground-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO. While dealing the second least amount of damage of all the other charged attacks for Lickitung, it is the only one with the possibility of dealing super effective damage.
With all of the options laid out, Lickitung has a couple of different builds in Pokemon GO. Having a definitive "best moveset" is not a concept that exists in Pokemon GO; this fact is especially true for defensive-oriented Pokemon. Lickitung's recommended attacking moveset is Lick and Hyper Beam; Lickitung's recommended defensive moveset is Zen Headbutt and Power Whip.
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