Pokemon GO: Best tips to earn Platinum Johto medal

Platinum Johto medal in Pokemon GO (Image via TPC)
Platinum Johto medal in Pokemon GO (Image via TPC)

You must capture all the Johto Pokemon to earn the Platinum Johto medal in Pokemon GO. This might seem easy on paper since the Johto region only had 100 new and unique critters introduced. However, encountering and catching all of them is no easy feat. Some of them are extremely rare to come by, and you might need to use special lures and inceses to increase your chances.


This article lists all the Pokemon that you must capture to earn the Platinum Johto Medal in Pokemon GO. It also highlights the ones that are the toughest to encounter and how to best get them.

Unlocking the Platinum Johto medal is also required to progress in the Whispers in the Woods Masterwork Research in Pokemon GO. This unique paid questline provides trainers the opportunity to catch a Shiny Celebi.

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Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the author's opinions.


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All Pokemon you need to capture to get the Platinum Johto medal in Pokemon GO

Johto region map (Image via TPC)
Johto region map (Image via TPC)

Here are all the critters you must register on your Pokemon GO Pokedex to earn the Platinum Johto medal:

  1. Chikorita
  2. Bayleef
  3. Meganium
  4. Cyndaquil
  5. Quilava
  6. Typhlosion
  7. Totodile
  8. Croconaw
  9. Feraligatr
  10. Sentret
  11. Furret
  12. Hoothoot
  13. Noctowl
  14. Ledyba
  15. Ledian
  16. Spinarak
  17. Ariados
  18. Crobat
  19. Chinchou
  20. Lanturn
  21. Pichu
  22. Cleffa
  23. Igglybuff
  24. Togepi
  25. Togetic
  26. Natu
  27. Xatu
  28. Mareep
  29. Flaaffy
  30. Ampharos
  31. Bellossom
  32. Marill
  33. Azumarill
  34. Sudowoodo
  35. Politoed
  36. Hoppip
  37. Skiploom
  38. Jumpluff
  39. Aipom
  40. Sunkern
  41. Sunflora
  42. Yanma
  43. Wooper
  44. Quagsire
  45. Espeon
  46. Umbreon
  47. Murkrow
  48. Slowking
  49. Misdreavus
  50. Unown
  51. Wobbuffet
  52. Girafarig
  53. Pineco
  54. Forretress
  55. Dunsparce
  56. Gligar
  57. Steelix
  58. Snubbull
  59. Granbull
  60. Qwilfish
  61. Scizor
  62. Shuckle
  63. Heracross
  64. Sneasel
  65. Teddiursa
  66. Ursaring
  67. Slugma
  68. Magcargo
  69. Swinub
  70. Piloswine
  71. Corsola
  72. Remoraid
  73. Octillery
  74. Delibird
  75. Mantine
  76. Skarmory
  77. Houndour
  78. Houndoom
  79. Kingdra
  80. Phanpy
  81. Donphan
  82. Porygon2
  83. Stantler
  84. Smeargle
  85. Tyrogue
  86. Hitmontop
  87. Smoochum
  88. Elekid
  89. Magby
  90. Miltank
  91. Blissey
  92. Raikou
  93. Entei
  94. Suicune
  95. Larvitar
  96. Pupitar
  97. Tyranitar
  98. Lugia
  99. Ho-Oh
  100. Celebi

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Rarest Johto Pokemon in Pokemon GO, and tips to find them easily to earn the Platinum Johto medal

Platinum Johto medal in Pokemon GO (Image via TPC)
Platinum Johto medal in Pokemon GO (Image via TPC)

Here are the rarest Johto Pokemon that can potentially make earning the Johto Platinum Medal in Pokemon difficult and how to improve your chances of finding and capturing them:

  1. Celebi: Can only be obtained by completing Special Research stories from special events. These Research Quests can be free or paid. Make sure to keep a tab to capture this critter. [Cannot be traded]
  2. Ho-Oh and Lugia: Rare Legendary Pokemon. Mostly available through 5-star raids. Capturing the Shadow Variant from Team GO Rocket's Giovanni will also register these creatures into your Pokedex. [Can be traded]
  3. Raikou, Suicune, and Entei: Rare Legendary Pokemon. Mostly available through 5-star raids. Capturing the Shadow Variant from Team GO Rocket's Giovanni will also register these creatures into your Pokedex. [Can be traded]
  4. Pichu, Cleffa Smoochum, Elekid, and Magby: Mostly available by hatching Eggs. Keep track of the present Egg Pool. Sometimes made available in the wild as well, so take note of such special events. [Can be traded]
  5. Tyrogue: Only found via Eggs. Keep track of Egg Pools in Pokemon GO. [Can be traded]
  6. Corsola: Only available in coastal regions between 31°N and 26°S Latitudes. Unless made available otherwise, you must visit one of these locations. [Can be traded]
  7. Heracross: Can only be found in South America in the wild. However, Mega Heracross raids are available worldwide. You can catch one easily there. [Can be traded]
  8. Unown: Only found during special events, so make sure to attend at least one of these. You only need to capture one to register the Pocket Monster on your Pokedex. [Can be traded]
  9. Smeargle: This can only be encountered through Snapshot. [Can be traded]

By following these tips, you can easily earn the Platinum Johto medal in Pokemon GO.

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Edited by Ritoban "Veloxi" Paul
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