The popular final evolution of the Generation III starter Torchic, Blaziken is a powerful offensive Fire/Fighting-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO.
Currently a 3-Star raid boss in Pokemon GO, Blaziken can be a powerful force against trainers who aren't prepared to deal with its explosive damage and speed, obviously leading to the development of healthy counterplay to defeat it. Fortunately, Blaziken does have a few weaknesses and more than a few counters to effectively hammer away at Blaziken's increased HP as a raid boss. However, trainers need to be mindful of its impressive attack stats, which are also boosted as a raid boss.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO: Top raid counters against Blaziken

Overall in Pokemon GO, Blaziken is weak to Flying, Ground, Water, and Psychic-type attacks. Pokemon able to match their type to these attack types will deal even more damage with these moves, thanks to the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) they will receive. By utilizing STAB and Blaziken's weaknesses, the Blaze Pokemon can be beaten quickly for maximum rewards after the raid.
Trainers can use the below list of moves and Pokemon that counter Blaziken very well in Pokemon GO:
Fast Moves
- Water Gun (Water-type)
- Waterfall (Water-type)
- Air Slash (Flying-type)
- Psycho Cut (Psychic-type)
- Confusion (Psychic-type)
- Wing Attack (Flying-type)
- Zen Headbutt (Psychic-type)
- Extrasensory (Psychic-type)
- Mud-Slap (Ground-type)
- Mud Shot (Ground-type)
Charge Moves
- Hydro Cannon (Water-type)
- Hydro Pump (Water-type)
- Brave Bird (Flying-type)
- Psystrike (Psychic-type)
- Psychic (Psychic-type)
- Surf (Water-type)
- Sky Attack (Flying-type)
- Earthquake (Ground-type)
- Crabhammer (Water-type)
- Psycho Boost (Psychic-type)
- Aeroblast (Flying-type)
- Hurricane (Flying-type)
- Future Sight (Psychic-type)
- Synchronoise (Psychic-type)
- Earth Power (Ground-type)
- Mega Blastoise
- Mega Gyarados
- Mega Pidgeot
- Mega Gengar
- Mewtwo
- Hoopa
- Latios
- Kyogre
- Moltres
- Alakazam
- Ho-Oh
- Lugia
- Rhyperior
- Kingler
- Landorus
- Garchomp
- Deoxys
- Swampert
- Metagross
- Rayquaza
- Staraptor
- Espeon
- Crawdaunt
- Azelf
- Groudon
- Gardevoir
- Empoleon
- Clawitzer
While this list isn't exhaustive, it's a great place to start for trainers looking to create a battle team to deal with Blaziken as a raid boss. As long as trainers focus on Blaziken's weaknesses and use Pokemon of similar typing with good stats and CP, they should be able to handle the Blaze Pokemon quite easily, giving themselves a prime opportunity to snag the top reward amount. While Blaziken can be a tough customer in Pokemon GO, well prepared trainers can topple it with proper planning and team composition.
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