With October finally here, Ghost-type Pokemon make their grand appearance in Pokemon GO once again. Many play Pokemon GO to collect its entire list of Pokemon; this includes each one's shiny variant.
Drifloon, the Balloon Pokemon, has been a subject of debate amongst fans. Many wonder if this Ghost type has a shiny variant. Before hunting for a Pokemon, it is best to know if its shiny variant even exists in the game.
Is Shiny Drifloon in Pokemon GO?

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Luckily, Drifloon can be shiny in Pokemon GO. According to The Silph Road, Drifloon has a base chance of 1 in 500 of being shiny, so finding one will not be easy.
Players looking for a shiny Drifloon will have to start an encounter with every single one as the map doesn't provide any indicators for these variants.
To increase the chances of finding a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO, players have to increase the base spawn rates in the area. This can be accomplished by using items like incense and lures.
Lures can be attached to Pokestops to increase the spawn rates around them while incense boosts the same figures around the player.
A prudent strategy would include finding the nearest Pokestop, attaching a lure, and using an incense, all at once. This maximizes the spawn rate of all of the Pokemon in the nearby area.
There are areas in Pokemon GO known as "Nests". These have an increased chance at spawning a specific Pokemon. Finding a Drifloon nest near a Pokestop can maximize its spawn rate, further boosting the odds of a shiny Drifloon spawning.
On Tuesday, 5 October 2021, Drifloon will be featured in a Spotlight Hour event from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. This means that it will spawn a lot more frequently for the duration of the event, enhancing the odds of a shiny Drifloon's appearance as well.
This will be the most opportune time to use a lure, an incense, and to begin the hunt.
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