Electabuzz has been a part of Pokemon GO since its launch. Electabuzz has been around for so long, to the point where players would have a harder time finding someone who does not know about the mon compared to the other way around. As such, it is only fitting that Electabuzz appears as a 3-Star Raid Boss in a season that revolves around origins and heritage.
Many veterans of the Pokemon franchise will remember finding Electabuzz in Kanto's Power Plant on their way to catch the Legendary Pokemon, Zapdos. Other players may remember searching for one in the Sinnoh region, for the opportunity to use its newly-added evolution in the fourth generation, Electivire.
Many players that play Pokemon GO do so for the collecting aspect. Thankfully, Pokemon GO adds shiny variants of most Pokemon, much like how the main series has shiny variants. Before committing time and resources to finding a shiny Electabuzz, players will want to know if its shiny variant is even available in the game first.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Fact or Fiction: Shiny Electabuzz in Pokemon GO

In short, Electabuzz can be found in its shiny variant through Raid Battles. An Electabuzz can easily be distinguished as shiny or not simply by looking at its color. A shiny Electabuzz appears as more of a rose-orange color rather than its standard yellow. Electabuzz's black stripes still remain, however.
Players will not know if a Raid Boss will appear as shiny in Pokemon GO simply by looking at it on the map. Players will have to beat the Raid Boss in a battle first, but afterwards, when players are given the opportunity to catch it, it will either appear as standard or shiny.
Electabuzz's shiny variant is not locked to only appearing in Raids. If players can find a spot in Pokemon GO where Electabuzz or even its pre-evolved form, Elekid can spawn, they can also find a shiny variant through that method. However, this method takes longer than simply challenging Raid Battles, due to the Pokemon's relatively low spawn rate in most areas.
While Electabuzz can appear in its shiny variant in Pokemon GO, it can still take a while for players to find one. For dedicated players that are unable to challenge Electabuzz in Raid Battles, New York's Central Park is confirmed to have an Electabuzz nest as of 2016. Illinois' Deer Creek Golf Course has also been confirmed as an Electabuzz nest.
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