In Pokemon GO, Celebi is a Psychic/Grass-type mythical Pokemon hailing from Generation II and the Johto region. It was first introduced to Niantic's mobile title during GO Fest 2018 and has made rare appearances ever since, typically as a research reward. But how good is Celebi in battle? All things considered, it isn't bad, but it's far from being one of GO's top PvE or PvP fighters.
However, if players are going to use Celebi in battle, it's best to know its best movesets as well as the counters that give it the most trouble. It also doesn't hurt to examine what makes Celebi good (albeit not great) in GO's PvE and PvP formats.
Pokemon GO Celebi: Best movesets

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Depending on the battle arena Celebi steps into, it might need a different moveset to react accordingly. It can perform as a pure Grass or Psychic-type attacker in PvE but may need a combination of the two in PvP to improve its type coverage to counter a wider range of opponents.
Fans can find a detailed breakdown below:
Pokemon GO Celebi best PvE movesets
Grass-type Attacker
- Fast Attack: Magical Leaf
- Charged Attack: Leaf Storm
Psychic-type Attacker
- Fast Attack: Confusion
- Charged Attack: Psychic
Pokemon GO Celebi best PvP movesets
- Fast Attack: Confusion or Magical Leaf
- Charged Attacks: Seed Bomb and Psychic
Is Celebi good in Pokemon GO PvE and PvP?
Celebi in Pokemon GO PvE
In many ways, Celebi is comparable to Mew stats-wise (210 Atk, 210 Def, 225 Stat), but it doesn't have the vast collection of learnable moves that the latter does.
This limits Celebi's effectiveness in high-tier raids, but it can perform well enough as a Grass or Psychic-type attacker in tier-1 and tier-3 raids. It's also fully capable of handling Team GO Rocket battles or attacking gym defenders.
Celebi in Pokemon GO PvP
Unfortunately, Celebi's type combination significantly hampers its viability in PvP. It isn't sturdy enough to deal with many of the most popular picks in the GO Battle League regardless of the Great/Ultra/Master League format. It has some positive matchups in the Master League including against Machamp, Swampert, and Kyogre, but its myriad weaknesses don't serve it well otherwise.
Celebi works in a niche capacity as an offensive option, but too many Grass and Psychic types outperform it in PvP for it to be a difference-maker.
Pokemon GO Celebi: All moves and stats

Fast Attacks
- Confusion
- Charge Beam
- Magical Leaf (Elite Fast Move)
Charged Attacks
- Hyper Beam
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Seed Bomb
- Leaf Storm
Base Stats
- Attack: 210
- Defense: 210
- Stamina: 225
- Max CP: 3691
Pokemon GO Celebi: Strengths and weaknesses
As a Psychic/Grass-type Pocket Monster, Celebi has the following weaknesses which will deal super effective damage to it:
- Bug (256% damage)
- Dark (160%)
- Fire (160%)
- Flying (160%)
- Ghost (160%)
- Ice (160%)
- Poison (160%)
Meanwhile, Celebi will resist the following elemental types and incur reduced damage from them:
- Electric (62.5%)
- Fighting (62.5%)
- Grass (62.5%)
- Ground (62.5%)
- Psychic (62.5%)
- Water (62.5%)
The opponent types that Celebi can deal super effective damage with its STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) moves in Pokemon GO are:
- Fighting (160%)
- Ground (160%)
- Rock (160%)
- Water (160%)
Best counters to Pokemon GO Celebi
Best Great League Counters: Shadow Mightyena, Shadow Skarmory, Shadow Armaldo, Shadow Entei, Shadow Lugia, Shadow Drapion, Hisuian Qwilfish, Shadow Alolan Sandslash.
Best Ultra League Counters: Shadow Drapion, Shadow Steelix, Shadow Alolan Sandslash, Shadow Pinsir, Shadow Abomasnow, Shadow Armaldo, Shadow Walrein, Shadow Regice.
Best Master League Counters: Shadow Lugia, Shadow Entei, Shadow Drapion, Unbound Hoopa, Galarian Moltres, Dusk Form Necrozma, Shadow Metagross, Shadow Regice.
Best PvE Counters:
- Mega Rayquaza: Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Mega Pinsir: Bug Bite and X-Scissor
- Mega Heracross: Struggle Bug and Megahorn
- Mega Scizor: Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
- Mega Beedrill: Bug Bite and X-Scissor
- Mega Charizard Y: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Salamence: Fire Fang and Fly
- Mega Gengar: Lick and Shadow Ball
- Pheromosa: Bug Bite and Bug Buzz
- Volcarona: Bug Bite and Bug Buzz
- Shadow Scizor: Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
- Shadow Pinsir: Bug Bite and X-Scissor
- Shadow Scyther: Fury Cutter and Bug Buzz
- Genesect: Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
- Escavalier: Bug Bite and Megahorn
- Yanmega: Bug Bite and X-Scissor
- Vikavolt: Bug Bite and X-Scissor
It should be noted that Celebi has yet to appear in a PvE setting and may never do so. However, if it does, the Pokemon listed above should be able to handle it almost effortlessly.
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