Arriving in Pokemon GO from the Sinnoh region from Pokemon Diamond, Platinum, and Pearl versions, Cranidos is a little hard-headed but evolves into one of Pokemon GO's most offense-minded Rock-type Pokemon.
Known as the "Head Butt Pokemon," Cranidos has appeared in the wild, eggs, as well as raids and research encounters in Pokemon GO. Since its evolution Rampardos is an impressive attacker in battle (it has a maximum attack stat of 295 currently), plenty of trainers have been seeking ways to snag a Cranidos to evolve.
For many, this means taking on a Cranidos when it appears as a raid boss. Though it isn't the most powerful raid boss, beating it with good counters can cut down on completion time.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO: Cranidos battle counters

As Rock-type Pokemon, both Cranidos and Rampardos have defined elemental weaknesses. Fortunately for Pokemon GO trainers, Rock-types are weak to types that are readily found in the wild for the most part.
The elemental move types that will deal super effective damage to Cranidos and Rampardos are Fighting-, Grass-, Ground-, Steel-, and Water-type. With such a wide array of moves that can be used to whittle down Cranidos' HP quickly, countering this particular Pokemon should be little problem to even entry-level trainers.
With type advantages in mind, there are a number of Pokemon that stand as shining examples to countering Cranidos and Rampardos. In addition, they can be used to effectively deal with several Rock-type Pokemon as well. These picks in Pokemon GO include:
- Metagross
- Blastoise
- Gyarados
- Venusaur
- Conkledurr
- Landorus
- Lucario
- Excadrill
- Kyogre
- Machamp
- Groudon
- Swampert
- Breloom
- Garchomp
- Rhyperior
- Kingler
- Empoleon
- Sirfetch'd
- Hariyama
- Feraligatr
- Tangrowth
- Torterra
- Krookodile
- Bisharp
There are several more Pokemon that would do a great job countering Crandios as long as they take advantage of the abundant type effectiveness matchups. When it comes to Pokemon GO moves, these moves can be guaranteed to pack a whallop not only on Cranidos and Rampardos but several other Rock-type Pokemon that possess only one elemental type:
Fast moves
- Water Gun
- Water Fall
- Bullet Punch
- Vine Whip
- Counter
- Mud Shot
- Mud-Slap
- Waterfall
- Low Kick
- Metal Claw
- Bubble
- Steel Wing
- Razor Leaf
Charged moves
- Meteor Smash
- Hydro Cannon
- Hydro Pump
- Frenzy Plant
- Dynamic Punch
- Earthquake
- Aura Sphere (Lucario only)
- Surf
- Focus Blast
- Earth Power
- Grass Knot
- Crabhammer
- Close Combat
- Iron Head
- Solar Beam
With these Pokemon and moves, Cranidos should be beaten in relatively short order. For Pokemon GO trainers defeating it in raid situations, they will be rewarded with the opportunity to catch Cranidos. Once players have enough Cranidos candy, they can evolve Cranidos into the mighty Rampardos, and enjoy one of the better Rock-type Pokemon in the entire game on offense.
Read More: The best moveset for Grovyle in Pokemon GO
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