Pokemon GO Crawdaunt's best moveset, counters, and competitive viability is something that players often wonder about. The critter was released during the 2017 holiday event in Niantic's mobile game and since then, it has been available in the wild and via raids. You can also evolve a Corphish by feeding it 50 Candy to get a Crawdaunt.
This article covers everything you need to know about Pokemon GO Crawdaunt's best moveset as well as how to counter it when you see it on the other side of the battlefield.
Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and reflect the author's opinions.
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Pokemon GO Crawdaunt: Best moveset

Crawdaunt's best moveset in Pokemon GO differs based on whether you wish to use it in PvP or PvE battles. Here is a detailed breakdown of each scenario:
Pokemon GO Crawdaunt best PvP moveset
- Fast Attack: Snarl
- Charged Attacks: Night Slash and Scald
Pokemon GO Crawdaunt best PvE moveset
Dark-type attacker
- Fast Attack: Snarl
- Charged Attacks: Night Slash
Water-type attacker
- Fast Attack: Waterfall
- Charged Attacks: Crabhammer
Mixed attacker
- Fast Attack: Snarl
- Charged Attacks: Crabhammer
Is Crawdaunt good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?
Crawdaunt in Pokemon GO PvP
In both the Great League and Ultra League formats of Pokemon GO, Crawdaunt is an underwhelming pick. It is too attack-weighted and lacks the bulk to withstand incoming damage to have any meaningful impact.
Moreover, Crawdaunt is outclassed by the likes of Greninja, which is a much better Water- and Dark-type Pocket Monster in both formats.
If you wish to try out Crawdaunt in Pokemon GO PvP, you are better off trying out the Shadow version. Its best teammates are Cresselia, Wigglytuff, Mantine, Lickitung, and Annihilape.
Crawdaunt in Pokemon GO PvE
Crawdaunt has a difficult time performing either as a Dark-type attacker or a Water-type attacker. While it has a decent Attack stat, it lacks the bulk as well as decent PvE attacks to shine.
Crawdaunt can only do decently in low-tier raids and as a Gym attacker when it has a type advantage.
Pokemon GO Crawdaunt: All moves and stats

Fast Attacks
- Waterfall
- Snarl
Charged Attacks
- Bubble Beam
- Crabhammer
- Nightslash
- Razor Shell
- Scald
- Vise Grip
Base Stats
- Attack: 224
- Defense: 142
- Stamina: 160
- Max CP: 2,797
Pokemon GO Crawdaunt: Strengths and weaknesses
Being a Water and Dark-type Pocket Monster, Crawdaunt resists the following types of attacks:
- Psychic (39.1%)
- Water (62.5%)
- Dark (62.5%)
- Fire (62.5%)
- Ghost (62.5%)
- Ice (62.5%)
- Steel (62.5%)
Crawdaunt has the following weaknesses:
- Bug (160.0%)
- Grass (160.0%)
- Fairy (160.0%)
- Fighting (160.0%)
- Electric (160.0%)
The types Crawdaunt can hit for super-effective damage using its STAB attacks are:
- Fire
- Rock
- Ground
- Ghost
- Psychic
Best counters to Pokemon GO Crawdaunt
Best Great League counters: Annihilape, Azumarill, Lanturn, Whiscash, Lickitung, Serperior, Whimsicott
Best Ultra League counters: Poliwrath, Virizion, Cobalion, Cresselia, Steelix, Tapu Fini, Shadow Zapdos
Best PvE counters:
- Shadow or Mega Gardevoir with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Granbull with Charm and Play Rough
- Kartana with Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Shaymin (Sky) with Magical Leaf and Grass Knot
- Terrakion with Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Mega Blaziken with Counter and Focus Blast
- Pheromosa with Bug Bite and Bug Buzz
- Mega Pinsir with Bug Bite and X-Scissor
- Shadow or regular Raikou with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Zekrom with Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
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