One can dive into the darkness or shine light in the dark in the Pokemon GO Dark Flames event. This occasion highlights Dark-type and Fire-type monsters, which will appear more frequently in the wilds and raids. So, should you embrace the dark or play with fire?
On the blazing fireside, the Fire-type and Dragon-type Turnatator made its global debut in Pokemon GO raids. Lucky for you, you can also encounter its Shiny form. On the dark side, the Ghost-type and Dark-type Mega Sableye debuted in Mega Raids. Luckily, you can also find its Shiny one.
The Darkness and the Blast Turtle fighter will only be available to catch until Sunday, July 2, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. local time. This article will help you choose between Dark-type or Fire-type paths during the event.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.
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Everything to know about Pokemon GO Dark Flames event: Dark-type and Fire-type
Pokemon GO Dark Flames event allows you to choose between Fire-type and Dark-type. You can encounter them in different event sections, including wild encounters, raids, Field Research, etc. Facing Team GO Rocket Grunts at Pokestop and in balloons also increases your chance of facing some event-featured monsters.
Wild Encounters

Fire-type and Dragon-type mons appear more frequently in the wild during the Pokemon GO Dark Flames event. Encountering becomes much easier using Incense (excluding Daily Adventure Incense). The number of featured monsters you experience depends on your chosen path. Furthermore, any chosen path gives you an edge because of the increase in spawn rate.
If you choose the Fire-type path, you encounter Vulpix, Houndour, Nume, Litwick, Litten, and Houndoom. Conversely, selecting a Dark-type path helps you come across Poochyena, Galarian Zigzagoon, Stunky, Houndoom, and Sableye. Partaking in wild encounters increases your chances of catching Shiny monsters, except for Litten and Stunky.

There are four Raids in Dark Flame events: One-star raids, Three-star raids, Five-star raids, and Mega Raids. Some raids prioritize the Dark-type critters, while some focus on the Fire-type. It all depends on what Pokemon types you want to collect, and based on that, you encounter the Bosses.
Choosing a 1-star raid increases your chances of encountering Dark-type, whereas 3-star and 5-star raid sports Fire-type Pokemon. You can encounter four Fire-type and three Dark-type Shiny forms during the raids. Some monsters are rare; if you want to add powerful creatures, this is your chance.
Branching Timed Research

Let the dark swallow and fire burn you during the Pokemon GO Dark Flame event. Your chosen path determines what Pokemon types you will face upon accepting the Dark Flame-themed Timed Research tasks. Additionally, if you want to earn a Premium Battle Pass and 15,000 XP, complete the task before the event ends. You will also encounter event-themed monsters.
Specific Field Research tasks grant an opportunity to encounter Dark-type or Fire-type fighters. Here is the list of event-theme monsters in Field Research Task encounters.
- Alolan Meowth: Dark-type with Shiny
- Alolan Grimer: Dark-type with Shiny
- Sneasel: Dark-type with Shiny
- Litwick: Dark-type with Shiny
- Alolan Marowak: Fire-type with Shiny
- Magmar: Fire-type with Shiny
- Turtonator: Fire-type with Shiny
Dark Flame Collection Challenge

Although there are two paths, you can only select one in the Dark Flame Collection Challenge. There are Dark-type Stage rewards, and completing them, one encounters Carvanha, Sneasel, Scraggy, and Houndoom. If you choose the Dark type, you must collect the monsters listed below to achieve the mission.
- Poochyena
- Carvanha
- Houndour
- Stunky
- Litwick
- Mightyena evolve
- Sharpedo evolve
- Incineroar evolve
One who selects a Fire-type path encounters Slugma, Alolan Marowak, Darumaka, and Houndoom upon completing Stage 1. In Dark Flame Challenge, if you choose a Fire-type path, you are challenged to collect the following critters:
- Litten
- Vulpix
- Houndour
- Numel
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Ninetales evolve
- Camerupt evolve
- Incineroar evolve
In conclusion, the Pokemon GO Dark Flames event offers a choice between Dark-type and Fire-type wild monsters. You can encounter and collect various Pokemon of your chosen type through wild encounters, raids, research tasks, and collection challenges. It provides exciting prospects to expand your collection and immerse in thrilling battles, catering to personal preferences and desired fighters.
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