Pokemon GO and its parent franchise currently have 18 different elemental types, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. However, some of the most sinister Pocket Monsters in the series belong to the Dark typing, which was first introduced in the second generation of games.
Dark-type species come in many different varieties, though they share some common attributes, such as their usable moves. This translates quite neatly to Pokemon GO, and Dark-type Pokemon have enjoyed plenty of success in the mobile title. Due to their efficiency, trainers often have to deal with these critters in battle, be it in PvE or PvP format.
When dealing with Dark types in the Pokemon GO arena, trainers can employ some decent counters, though certain aspects must also be taken into account.
Note: This article reflects the opinions of the writer
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Dark-type Pokemon are weak to Fighting, Bug, and Fairy-type moves in Pokemon GO

When battling a Dark-type opponent in Pokemon GO, it's important to know whether the enemy is just a Dark type or if it also has a second typing. Depending on the adversary's second typing, certain weaknesses may be removed and resistances added.
However, if the enemy Pokemon is a Dark type specifically, it will be weak to Fighting, Bug, and Fairy-type moves. Additionally, if trainers use Pokemon that match the typing of these moves, they'll deal additional damage, thanks to the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB).
This is a wise strategy to keep in mind in order to defeat your Dark-type opponent quickly and efficiently.
Excellent counter Pokemon for Dark types
- Conkeldurr
- Pheromosa
- Terrakion
- Lucario
- Machamp
- Galarian Zapdos
- Breloom
- Pirouette Meloetta
- Hariyama
- Buzzwole
- Cobalion
- Zacian
- Virizion
- Heracross
- Togekiss
- Blaziken
- Toxicroak
- Gardevoir
- Yanmega
- Sirfetch'd
- Bewear
- Vikavolt
- Tapu Koko
- Tapu Bulu
- Emboar
- Sneasler
- Primarina
- Genesect
- Granbull
- Scyther
Top moves to counter Dark types
- Double Kick
- Bug Bite
- Counter
- Low Kick
- Charm
- Rock Smash
- Fury Cutter
- Sacred Sword
- Bug Buzz
- Dynamic Punch
- Aura Sphere
- Close Combat
- Superpower
- Play Rough
- Dazzling Gleam
- Megahorn
- Focus Blast
- X-Scissor
- Moonblast
As long as Pokemon GO trainers use Bug, Fighting, and Fairy-type moves/Pokemon, they should perform quite well against Dark types. Obviously, they will want to utilize counters of comparable CP and stats, otherwise they may run into trouble even with a favorable type matchup.
Like all elemental types in Pokemon GO, defeating Dark types comes down to utilizing their weaknesses effectively before they can deal too much damage. If a Dark type has an additional typing, it can complicate matters somewhat. However, some weaknesses may exist depending on the situation.
If trainers encounter a Dark-type foe in a raid, it may also not be a bad idea to utilize tools. Bringing additional trainers into the fight or utilizing Mega Evolution can assist players against big hitters like Yveltal or Darkrai. The fight may be more difficult compared to a PvP opponent, but it's important to use all of the strategies available in order to achieve victory.
Conversely, if players are using a Dark type in their Pokemon GO battle team, knowing these weaknesses is paramount to success. Mismatching one's Dark-type monster can lead to a quick defeat.
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