Pokemon GO fans are in for a gala time in Niantic's AR title as 2022 winds down. The season of Mythical Wishes has begun, and the Winter Holiday Part 1 is slated to commence in the next few days. This week will also see the December Community Day event, showcasing featured Community Day pocket monsters from 2021 to 2022.
Seasonal celebrations are common occurrences in Pokemon GO, with the developers periodically introducing regular updates featuring refreshing events, exciting pocket monster debuts, and plenty more. Players are already aware of the December 2022 schedule.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO players will have plenty on their hands to do in the AR title this week
1) Winter Holiday Part 1
Winter Holiday Part 1 will be live in Pokemon from Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 10:00 am local time and end on Friday, December 23, 2022, at 10:00 am local time. The event will mark the first appearance of Mega Glalie and Shiny Bergmite in Niantic's popular AR title.
There are event bonuses where players will earn 50% more XP when they win Raid Battles and be able to have up to 40 Gifts before the event ends. Trainers can also purchase tickets to event-exclusive Timed Research, which has rewards.
The Winter Holiday Part 1 event will feature its wild encounters, 7km egg hatches, Field Research tasks, Avatar items, and more for players to engage with. To learn more about the event, players can check out this article.
2) December 2022 Community Days
As mentioned above, this month's year-ending Community Day will feature pocket monsters from the 2021 and 2022 events. It is set to start on Saturday, December 17, at 9:00 am and conclude on Sunday, December 18, 2022, at 9:00 pm.
Wild encounters for each day during the event will be as follows from 2:00 - 5:00 pm:
December 17, 2022
- Sandshrew (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Alolan Sandshrew (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Alolan Geodude (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Hoppip (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Spheal (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Stufful (Shiny variant is going to be available)
December 18, 2022
- Teddiursa (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Galarian Zigzagoon (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Starly (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Roggenrola (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Litwick (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Deino (Shiny variant is going to be available)
Rare encounters available on either day are as follows:
- Bulbasaur (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Dratini (Shiny variant is going to be available)
- Mudkip (Shiny variant is going to be available)
To learn more about the raid bosses, event bonuses, and more, Pokemon GO players can check out this article.
3) Spotlight and Raid Hour
This week's Spotlight Hour in Pokemon GO will take place on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm and feature Spheal. The event will have 2x Catch XP, and players will have the chance to encounter a shiny variant of Spheal.
This week's Raid Hour in Pokemon GO is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14, 2022, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm and will feature Terrakion. Players will have a chance to encounter a shiny variant of the pocket monster if they are lucky.
4) Go Battle League
The current GO Battle League schedule is as follows:
December 8 - December 15
- Great League
- Fighting Cup: Great League Edition Remix
December 15 - December 22
- Ultra League
- Ultra Premier Classic
5) Mega and Five-star Raid schedule
The current Mega and Five-star Raid schedule in Pokemon GO is as follows:
- Terrakion (Five-star Raid boss from December 8 to December 15)
- Mega Aggron (Mega Raid boss from December 8 to December 15)
The future schedule is as follows:
- Cobalion (Five-star Raid boss from December 15 to December 23)
- Mega Glalie (Mega Raid boss from December 15 to January 1)
Players can check here for comprehensive guides, walkthroughs, and updates regarding Pokemon GO.
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