Knowing about Pokemon GO Dedenne's best moveset, counters, and competitive viability can help trainers get the edge they need in battles with this Gen VI Pikachu clone. The Electric- and Fairy-type is a single-stage Pocket Monster and there are a bunch of ways to acquire it. In December 2024, you can get Dedenne with a holiday costume from 1-star raids.
This article will tell you everything about Dedenne's best moveset in Pokemon GO as well as its counters.
Pokemon GO Dedenne best moveset

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Pokemon GO Dedenne best PvP moveset
- Fast Attack: Thunder Shock
- Charged Attacks: Parabolic Charge and Play Rough
Pokemon GO Dedenne best PvE moveset
Electric-type attacker
- Fast Attack: Thunder Shock
- Charged Attacks: Discharge
Fairy-type attacker
- Fast Attack: Thunder Shock
- Charged Attacks: Play Rough
Is Dedenne good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?
Dedenne in Pokemon GO PvP
Dedenne is a mediocre pick for the Great League of Pokemon GO, the only format it can meaningfully participate in. Access to Parabolic Charge makes it unique in its category of attack-weighted electric mice — another example being Morpeko. It gives Dedenne a much-needed Defense boost that helps it stick around longer.
Additionally, the buff to Thunder Shock in GBL Season 21 balance changes also adds to its viability as an off-meta threat.
Dedenne in Pokemon GO PvE
Dedenne has virtually no utility in PvE battles. It can act as a Gym Defender but even then, you will likely have so many better options in your collection that the Antenna Pokemon is unlikely to get its chance.
Pokemon GO Dedenne: All moves and stats

The Fast Attacks that Dedenne can learn in Niantic's mobile game are:
- Thunder Shock
- Tackle
This Pocket Monster can learn these Charged Attacks:
- Parabolic Charge
- Discharge
- Play Rough
Base stats:
- Attack: 164
- Defense: 134
- Stamina: 167
- Max CP: 2,081
Pokemon GO Dedenne's strengths and weaknesses

Dedenne has the following resistances:
- Bug
- Dark
- Electric
- Fighting
- Flying
- Dragon
This Pocket Monster's weaknesses are:
- Ground
- Poison
The elemental types that Dedenne can hit for STAB super-effective damage are:
- Water
- Flying
- Dark
- Fighting
- Dragon
Best counters to Dedenne in Pokemon GO
Great League counters: Clodsire, Gastrodon, Dunsparce, Galarian Corsola, and Ariados
PvE counters:
- Primal or regular or Shadow Groudon with Mud Shot and Precipice Blades
- Mega or Shadow Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earth Power
- Shadow Excadrill with Mud Slap and Scorching Sands
- Shadow Ursaluna with Tackle and High Horsepower
- Mega Gengar with Lick and Sludge Bomb
- Mega or Shadow Gengar with Lick and Sludge Bomb
- Mega Beedrill with Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
- Nihilego with Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
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