The evolution of Seel, Dewgong is an Ice/Water-type Pokemon that has been in Pokemon GO since the game's 2016 release.
For quite some time, Dewgong has persisted as a Great League combatant of considerably high quality. Many trainers enjoy its battle capabilities in Pokemon GO due to its bulky health and defense stats as well as it sporting an effective and varied moveset.
Dewgong's Water/Ice-typing also gives it some interesting type matchups to exploit as well. However, for trainers taking Dewgong on, it's a good idea to be aware of the Sea Lion Pokemon's best counters in order to defeat it quickly and keep it from being an issue.
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Pokemon GO: Top counters for Dewgong in PvP

Since Dewgong is both a Water and an Ice-type Pokemon, it has a plethora of elemental weaknesses that opposing trainers can exploit. By utilizing the right Pokemon and move types, the bulkiness of Dewgong shouldn't be too much of an issue. This is especially true if players match Pokemon and move types, where a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) will be factored in as well. With consistent super effective damage and STAB, Dewgong isn't likely to last long against most of its counters.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers can find a list of Pokemon and moves that perform well against Dewgong in PvP, since it isn't normally encountered in PvE situations:
Fast Moves
- Thunder Fang (Electric-type)
- Vine Whip (Grass-type)
- Rock Throw (Rock-type)
- Low Kick (Fighting-type)
- Volt Switch (Electric-type)
- Counter (Fighting-type)
- Smack Down (Rock-type)
- Razor Leaf (Grass-type)
- Charge Beam (Electric-type)
- Thunder Shock (Electric-type)
- Spark (Electric-type)
- Bullet Seed (Grass-type)
Charge Moves
- Wild Charge (Electric-type)
- Frenzy Plant (Grass-type)
- Rock Slide (Rock-type)
- Focus Blast (Fighting-type)
- Zap Cannon (Electric-type)
- Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)
- Sacred Sword (Fighting-type)
- Energy Ball (Grass-type)
- Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)
- Power Whip (Grass-type)
- Thunderbolt (Electric-type)
- Rock Wrecker (Rock-type)
- Grass Knot (Grass-type)
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
- Stone Edge (Rock-type)
- Venusaur
- Aerodactyl
- Manectric
- Ampharos
- Lucario
- Terrakion
- Abomasnow
- Zekrom
- Conkeldurr
- Zarude
- Thundurus
- Raikou
- Electivire
- Breloom
- Magnezone
- Machamp
- Rampardos
- Roserade
- Rhyperior
- Sceptile
- Zapdos
- Blaziken
- Pirouette Meloetta
- Luxray
- Sirfetch'd
- Emboar
- Hariyama
- Tyranitar
As long as Pokemon GO trainers stick to the above moves/Pokemon or those that utilize the same typing, Dewgong shouldn't be too much trouble. Its stats are above average for its weight class in Great League, but it's far from the devastator that other Pokemon can be in the same format.
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